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Stats card by a nerd 🤓.


Desktop design screenshot for the Stats preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I made it for a tablet viewport😓. If you want to see it mobile, you can rotate your device to landscape🤦. Anyway, it might be disordered for both mobile and desktop🤦. Any suggestions to get these through are welcome. Thank uy 🤗

Community feedback



Hey, congrats on submitting your first solution! It's pretty awesome too! I just have a few issues to point out;

  1. Incase you want to get rid of a repetitive background like the way it is with the div containing your hero image, just set the "background-repeat" property in your css to "no-repeat".
  2. I noticed it wasn't responsive too just like you stated in your comments. But it's good coding practice to continuously resize your screen and apply media queries when items lose their alignment. It makes it super responsive.
  3. If you want to use some attributes more than once, consider using classes instead of ID's to avoid duplicate id's and this will eliminate your html issues.

Marked as helpful




@tesla-ambassador Okay so now I have fixed it many issue's and added flexbox. But as you can see the latest screenshot generated by frontentmentor have a problem with height or padding of the card but that problem doesn't show up on my tablet when I preview it in desktop mode. I tried to find what's doing this but no results any solutions ?

Juveria Dalvi 1,375



After rotating I can't see the text straight try using flexbox and I can't see your css file 🤔


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