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Stats preview card using HTML & CSS


Desktop design screenshot for the Stats preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi guys, I just finished this challenge. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it :)

Thank you

Community feedback

Jaydi 355



The website responsiveness is great but the margin of the card component is not proportional




@ruedasjnthn Alright thank you for your feedback, I appreciated that :)

Jaydi 355



@blurrypxl u can use grid broo, it is very useful in this challenge

i already finished this challenge, i'll be really glad to hear your feedback on my work.

Jaydi 355



@blurrypxl u can use grid broo, it is very useful in this challenge

i already finished this challenge, i'll be really glad to hear your feedback on my work.

Jaydi 355



@blurrypxl u can use grid broo, it is very useful in this challenge

i already finished this challenge, i'll be really glad to hear your feedback on my work.

Nic 595



This looks great.

I have a suggestion with the position: absolute on the body. Absolutely positioning something takes it out of the flow of the document. When it is essentially the document, it's a bit of a weird idea.

What you can do is instead change it to position: relative. On its own, adding position: relative to an element effectively does nothing, but what it does mean is that any children within it that are absolutely positioned are then positioned relative to their relatively positioned parent, rather than the document.

Once you do that, you also no longer need the left: 0 and right: 0 on the body.




@nicm42 Well noted, thanks for your suggestions on positioning, I'll implement them in future challenges :)


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