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Sunnyside Agency Landing Page Using Flex-box and CSS Grid

Teano Gossβ€’ 130


Desktop design screenshot for the Sunnyside agency landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

Wasn't sure how to get the underlines below my "learn more" links to offset right without disappearing. If anyone could lend me a hand I would deeply appreciate it. This was my first time trying to master flex-box and CSS Grid specifically grid-template-areas because they are awesome!

Community feedback



Hi Teano Goss,

I see you utilize text-underline to make it. Other than that you can use ::after or ::before pseudocode to get that result as well. You can google it, there must be many resources explaining the topic.

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Teano Gossβ€’ 130



@eklemis I appreciate you so much for commenting on my solution! I tried : :after and for some reason the underline would disappear if my text-underline-offset went over -0.3em and I am looking to hit at least -0.4em or -0.5em. I did not think about using : :before so I am definitely going to use that pseudo-class and see if that works. Again thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my solution.




@tcaturani-goss Have you tried making the .learn-more-one {position relative;} and .learn-more-one::after{position: absolute}? Also you have to set the width and height of the .learn-more-one::after in order for it to be seen.

Marked as helpful

Teano Gossβ€’ 130



@eklemis Sorry for taking so long to get back to you! I am on a deep dive of sharpening my JavaScript skills and put this one on the back burner for a bit. Thankfully I finally fixed the underline issue by putting a <span> around the learn more text in my .learn-more anchors. Then using the class .learn-more-one span { background: linear gradient(hsl(49, 66%, 83%), hsl(49, 66%, 83%)) 0 110% / 100% 8px no-repeat; border-radius: 30px; padding: 0rem 0.5rem; } to position the underline behind the text.

Anosha Ahmedβ€’ 9,340



To get rid of the accessibility/HTML issues shown in your Report:

  • wrap everything in your body in <main> OR use semantic tags OR give role="" to the direct children of your <body> ... Click here to read more
  • <section> and <article> usually need a heading; so if you don't need a heading in it, use some other element such as <div>
  • <a> should have an aria-label ... Click here to read more

Good job! :)

Marked as helpful


Teano Gossβ€’ 130



@anoshaahmed You are phenomenal! Thank you so much for the helpful feedback and for taking the time to comment on my solution!


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