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Tailwind / React


Desktop design screenshot for the Social links profile coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback




Hey there,

Great job on completing this challenge! Here are some suggestions to further enhance your project:

Use Main Element for Main Content

Consider wrapping your main content in a <main> element instead of a <div>. This semantic HTML element helps with accessibility and clearly defines the primary content of your webpage.

Reevaluate Width Property

The w-[90%] style makes your app responsive, but you might want to consider if a max-width of 350px and a padding is sufficient for all devices.

Use REM Units Consistently

Switching from pixels to REM units for padding, margins, font sizes, etc., can improve accessibility and maintain consistency across different screen sizes. REM units are based on the root font size, making it easier to scale your design.

Tailwind's Predefined Classes

Tailwind offers a wide range of predefined padding, margin, font size, and other utility classes. For example, p-4 translates to padding: 1rem; if the base font size is 16px. Using these predefined classes can simplify your code and make it more readable. Check the Tailwind documentation for a full list of available classes.

Simplify Social Links Styling

Instead of repeating styles for each social link, you can create a mutual class and apply the same set of Tailwind utilities to that class in your css file. This approach DRYs up your code and makes it easier to maintain.

Example Refinement:

<div className="flex flex-col gap-4">
  <div className="social-link">Github</div>
  <div className="social-link">Frontend Mentor</div>
  <div className="social-link">LinkedIn</div>
  <div className="social-link">Twitter</div>
  <div className="social-link">Instagram</div>
.social-link {
   bg-neutral-app-grey font-medium rounded-[0.625rem] py-3 px-4 hover:bg-primary-app-green hover:transition-colors hover:text-neutral-app-off-black cursor-pointer

Implementing these suggestions will not only improve your code's efficiency and readability but also enhance the overall user experience. Keep up the excellent work!

Marked as helpful


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