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Testimonial Grid Section [HTML/CSS] #LearningGrid


Desktop design screenshot for the Testimonials grid section coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hola! This is a project out of order / aka, I was meant to go through Newbie level as per community recs to make sure everything is solid before moving on but the Base Apparel challenge is very GRID-y so I wanted a practice project and such my solution for Testimonial Grid was born!

As this was a practice project for Grid, its what my focus and priority was. I do believe I was not as semantic as I could have been with my tags, but I will come back and refactor this later after I finish with the newbie challenge.

In the end, as always please share any feedback or criticism you have so I can improve. I am aware of the less than ideal tags used, but advance on my Grid specifically is what I would absolutely appreciate !!

Community feedback



I see the following from my screenshot generated on the site and I am working on them and will update accordingly.

  • The background image quote is in the wrong spot on the screen. Which is odd, because when I click the link its in the correct position.
  • The lack of an h1 heading is causing an error on this site, I dont know where I would put an h1 header, I will look this up and ask some questions.
  • My solution is too tall, I do not like it, I will edit this.

This will be done AFTER my base apparel, since the focus for me is on fixing my newbie challenges and this was after all just to practice laying out on a Grid



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