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Testimonials Grid Section

Sonu Swapan Duttaโ€ข 370


Desktop design screenshot for the Testimonials grid section coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Heli0sโ€ข 670



Good work tackling and completing this challenge, here are a few pointers:

  • as @steevencode mentioned the mobile design is not responsive, you should revise your media query
  • no need to set a height on your ".testimonials-section" class
  • revise your grid properties for the mobile design, you should not have to span columns to 4 for mobile size below 375px or even above since it can't fit this many column
  • look up grid area it'd make it a lot easier for this challenge, check out this grid area tutorial
  • the report indicates you have many issues in your html since you use section tag it's expecting each section to have a header . The correct semantics for this challenge would be figure to wrap the content for each card, figcaption for the author section and blockquote to wrap the paragraphs
  • Nothing wrong with a desktop first approach design but I usually recommend mobile first since it makes it a lot easier to design and it can save you a lot on css

Hope this helps, happy coding !!!

Marked as helpful


Sonu Swapan Duttaโ€ข 370



@zeerobit thank you so much , I would definitely try to work on it ๐Ÿ˜Š

Sonu Swapan Duttaโ€ข 370



@zeerobit do we need to mention (figure , figcaption , blockquote) is it compulsory for the challenge?

Heli0sโ€ข 670



basically it's not about it being compulsory for this specific challenge, it's more about structuring html using proper semantics however these elements can be applied to any other challenge where they fit. Others have used the article element to wrap the card content for this challenge but i think the figure element is semantically more aligned with the context of this challenge

Rohit Kumarโ€ข 560



Your need to use background property to section-1 instead of background-image for short hand background: url("path of image") no-repeat; otherwise you can also use specific css properties for background like background-image, background-repeat, and then apply background-position property to position the image, otherwise you did great work To know more:

Marked as helpful


Sonu Swapan Duttaโ€ข 370



@rohitKumar38344 thank you for your suggestions๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

steevencodeโ€ข 120



Hello Sonu check the report there really is a lot to learn and design on mobile is unresponsive

I did not check your source code


Sonu Swapan Duttaโ€ข 370



@steeven509 okay ,I will definitely try to work on it! thank you for the feedback ๐Ÿ˜Š


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