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Time Tracking Dashboard (CSS Grid + Responsive)

Dainaa 175


Desktop design screenshot for the Time tracking dashboard coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Any help with how to ensure grid components resize similarly and don't outgrow each other is very welcome. Also - please look at the site at the vercel URL instead of in the screenshot, not sure why it's doing what it's doing to the ellipses in the screenshot, but it seems to all look alright in browsers :)

Community feedback

Nic 595



I opened this and saw the same ellipses as in the screenshot - I'm using Firefox. If I open the site in Chrome it looks fine. I think for some reason the browsers are interpreting the space differently, so Firefox is making the ellipses massive. Since Chrome told me they were taking up 21px width, I added max-width 21px to the ellipses in Firefox and then they looked fine.

Edit: meant to say it looks good and the grid components look fine to me.

Marked as helpful


Dainaa 175



@nicm42 Thanks a bunch! I couldn't see a difference when I opened this on Firefox on my end. I might have to add some hard-code to future projects for Firefox!


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