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Time Tracking Dashboard

Anderson Vianna• 240


Desktop design screenshot for the Time tracking dashboard coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

Hello there!

well, that one really was a good way to practice how to consuming an API. I decided to upload Json file in Amazon Web Server and use it with FECTH as we do with an API.

Besides that, i was able to use for first time grid layout in a project. Before that, all i knew about grid layout was theoretical. And I'm still learning it!

I guess the result are good. BUT, there are 2 things I would like some sugestions

first one: I sense that in "addEventListenner" i could have used some loop in it. The question is: how?

second one: In grid css, how can I set a fixed width in the squares (cause when renderizing new data, the square's width seems to adapt and i don't want it. I want a fixed width.

any suggestion?

in time, regards and I hope you all enjoy it!

Community feedback

David• 8,000



Hello anderson, congrats on finishing the challenge!

Just a little suggestion, you don't need to upload your data to any service if you want to practice your fetch() function, you can fetch local json files just using the relative path of the file in your project folder, it will get the same results as uploading it on a server, and it will need the same syntax to get the data with fetch, the only thing that will change is the url path of the file.

Marked as helpful


Anderson Vianna• 240



@DavidMorgade thanks! I thought that if when uploading the project to a server like github page, the local json request wouldn't work. Thank you for clearing up this doubt i had

Elaine• 11,420



@andykallian I used the fetch method with local data in my solution, so if you're interested in how I did it, you can check out my repo!

Anderson Vianna• 240



@elaineleung yeah, I've checked it on the codes of everyone who has commented here, also in other solutions, and they all really used a local JSON with no issues. I thought it was not possible when dealing with remote servers

Elaine• 11,420



Hi Anderson, I think this was very well done! Your component is responsive, and it looks close to the design; I probably would add a bit of margin/padding around it so that when the browser width shrinks, the sides won't be touching the browser. Also, the "previous" labels on cards probably should reflect that timeframe instead of having "Last Week" for all of them. Other than that, everything looks alright to me 😊

About your question regarding the addEventListener, you can use a forEach method to iterate through the data. A few things I'd do differently to set this up:

I would assign different variables, where instead of having the 2 separate "current" and "previous" stats, I'd just call their parent card, which means I'd add a class name or id to the card that's more easily recognizable (I'm using stats-card in this example). The code would look something like this:

const cardsEls = document.querySelectorAll(".stats-card");
const daily = document.querySelector("#daily")
const weekly = document.querySelector("#weekly")
const monthly = document.querySelector("#monthly")

fetch({your url})
    .then((response) =>{
        return response.json()
    }).then((data) =>{

   daily.addEventListener("click", function(){
      cardsEls.forEach( (card, idx) => {
         const statsNow = card.querySelector(".stats-now");
         const statsPrev = card.querySelector(".stats-prev");
         statsNow.textContent = `${data[idx].timeframes.daily.current}hrs`
         statsPrev.textContent = `Yesterday - ${data[idx].timeframes.daily.previous}hrs`

   // rest of your code

There's a way to also iterate through the 3 timeframe elements, but I think this is good enough for now, and if you want to check that out, you can have a look at my solution:

Hope this helps you out!

Marked as helpful


Anderson Vianna• 240



@elaineleung wow! thanks for the tips!!!!! I will surely implement and study your solution! that was exactly what i wanted in JS loop! thank you very much!

Anderson Vianna• 240



@elaineleung in this part of code:

daily.addEventListener("click", function(){ cardsEls.forEach( card, idx => {

Must I create an eventListener to daily and also one to weekly and one to monthly? In the end, I would have 3 "eventListenners", right?

Elaine• 11,420



@andykallian Yes, in the part where I added // rest of your code, that's where you'd add the other 2 event listeners that would be written in the same way as what I did. Hope that clears things up!

Marked as helpful

Rashwan-Mohamed• 340



Hello Anderson , well done finishing the project, just continue to increase you skills since its the only way to do so, I've gone through your Js logic and I see although the approach is working isn't a good practice, I would urge you to go to the solutions and pick an expert solution and examine his js file, regarding the fixed grid column you wouldn't use a grid area in this case, if you want a fixed width for the column you would use something like this grid-templete-columns:40px 40px 40px, more important that this the js logic make sure it never has a lot of repeating lines, don't continue just search for a better approach, there is a YouTube channel with the name of code addict this man creates a lot of projects using js I would recommend it, best luck (:


Anderson Vianna• 240



@Rashwan-Mohamed Thanks for the suggestions! I'm gonna try to implement the css modifications and going to check out the videos on this channel!



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