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Desktop design screenshot for the Time tracking dashboard coding challenge

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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This Is My First Junior Challenge With Animation .. I am Waiting Your Feedback :)

Community feedback



Hey, great work as well on this one. Desktop layout looks great, it is responsive and for the mobile state, the white-spaces are too large and I don't think you need to add those on this challenge as well.

Some suggestions would be:

  • Avoid using height: 100vh on a large container like the body tag as this limits the element's height based on the remaining screen's height. Instead use min-height: 100vh, this takes full height but lets the element expand if needed.
  • On the grid, it would be much better if the person's container as well the selection container are inside a single parent container and those 6 cards on the right side are inside their own parent element as well. Doing this, you are making your markup more clearer because your related components are being grouped properly.
  • Person's img should be using the person's name as the alt like alt="Jeremy Robson". A component like this when a person's name and image are both present, use the person's name as the value as it is a meaningful image.
  • Also when using alt attribute, avoid using words that relates to "graphic" such as "logo" and others. An img is already an image/graphic so no need to describe it as one.
  • Person's name should be a heading tag, since you haven't made use of h1 which should always be present on a page, you could make the person's name "for now" an h1, but look up screen-reader h1 okay.
  • Using p tag for the selection is not accessible. Don't use un-interactive element for interactive components. On this, you could make it like a "list" of button selections, so you could use ul with 3 button inside (li being used) but you would need to create an aria-live element that will announce if the a certain button is selected, you need to add this since button only is not much informative.
  • Another approach is to make use of set of radio buttons for those, since it is a selection, radio buttons are good for those. This 3 radio button should be inside a fieldset element with a screen-reader only legend element, the legend will describe what the sets of radio buttons are for.
  • Each card image are just decorative. Decorative image must be hidden at all times by using alt="" and extra aria-hidden="true" attribute on the img tag.
  • Each card title like work could use a heading tag, since it describes what the section will contain.
  • Also, there is an svg I think for the 3 dots, better using it.

Aside from those, great work again on this one.


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