Hi Toni,
If you enter a bill value and then delete it, you can get rid of NaN by adding the following code to your calcTip function. This code means: if there is no billValue, set billValue to zero. Your tip amount and total will show zero until you enter a new bill input.
function calcTip() {
if(!billValue) billValue = 0;
// rest of your code
Your other question is a little tricky: The <input type="number">
of your bill input only accepts period as decimal separator, the user cannot even type his bill value with a comma. One workaround I found would be to change your bill input into <input type="text">
and edit your handleBillInput function accordingly:
let inputWithComma;
function handleBillInput() {
if(billInput.value.includes(",")) {
inputWithComma= billInput.value.replace(",",".");
billValue = parseFloat(inputWithComma)
}else {
billValue = parseFloat(billInput.value);
Another thing i noticed is: you set the values of your billInput and nrOfPeopleInput at your JS file. You can do that on your HTML such as : <input type="number" id="bill" class="input-field-style" value = "0.0"/>
I hope these will be useful :)
@sedcakmak Thanks a lot, both solutions work great!