Hello, Jay! 👋
Nice and clean solution, good to see you finish another challenge! I have a few suggestions:
- When i change a tab between all, active or completed the color stays always on "All" tab, i think you forgot to add active class to selected tab.
- I think it would be better to make whole todo to be able to mark as checked not just this small circle.
- Since you use LocalStorage for todos, you can also add todos after reorder to LocalStorage so the user after entering the website, he will have the same order.
- I can't reorder items on mobile.
Good luck with that, have fun coding! 💪
Hello tediko,
Thank you for the feedback.
your suggestions are really pushing me to another level :DDD
I definetly need to put some efforts to do the local storage reorder part and make reorder supportive on mobile.
I thought my solution was farily good enough untill I saw your solution on this one. man, I don't know what to say. No excuses, im gonna push myself further.
you have fun coding too :)