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  • Submitted

    Hello, hope you are doing fine.

    I went all good during most of the project, but i couldnt make when it came to the active state of the picture. Every time i tried to make it "position:absolute" and the view icon wanted " position:relative" the picture got bigger than the whole card. I need some tips to fix it.


  • Submitted

    Hello! Hope you are doing fine.

    I have some issues as you can see in this project.

    1. The small icons in the cards are inside the Div and in the figma project are kind of in the middle outsie, middel inside, how can i do that correctly?

    2)The images are not big enough, is like the first section i add it something like a width and cant change it so still the same width

    1. seems that the site is not responsive at all even i added the breakpoints but when i go to inspect, is really bad. I start to enlarge and everything seems to be in the left side

    Please give me all the advise possible to improve my project!

    Thanks in advance

  • Submitted

    Hello team! hope you are doing fine.

    This is my 2nd challange i did for

    I have a couple questions.

    A) I couldnt make the border radius on the pictures as the example you sent me.

    B) i couldnt get the text in the same way you sent me

    C) im having issues to leave the card in the middle of the page. Same with the last challenge (the qr code one), i had to watch a youtube video and in one the guy was using the

    min-height: calc(100vh - 1px);

    and in the other one

    max-height: calc(100vh - 1px);

    Im really confused on how it works, do you have any tip to understand it?
