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    Any type of feedback on my code is much appreciated. But I do have one question. Why can't I get my social icons to appear at the bottom of the page? All my other images display with no problems at all.

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    Got stuck on applying the cyan overlay to the equilibrium image for a little while. I'm wondering if there is a way to apply the overlay with the :hover pseudo class? As it seems more straightforward to me but I couldn't get it to work with that method.

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    First time using display: grid; on a project and first time starting on mobile and converting to desktop. Also, first time using flex's align-self to manipulate a single element. Which makes things simple and responsive. Any feedback on my code is greatly appreciated. Also, random question, but why do a lot of developers use @import for fonts instead of <link>? Whenever I go to someone else repository to study their code, almost all of them use @import. Whereas, I learned the <link> method and have since been using the <link> method. What are the differences, if there are any, and should I switch methods?

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    Fun project but got stuck on bringing the social-icons down to the end of the page, I tried using align-items:flex-end but it didn't work. So I ended up using transform: translateY(40px). Any feedback on my code is much appreciated.

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    Why is it when I upload my finished project to FrontEndMentor it distorts my card height, width, font size and everything pretty much. But when I open this project locally using the live server extension or through the github pages it comes out just fine.

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    First time using BEM method. Critiques on my class naming would be appreciated. Had a little bit of trouble making this one responsive. Also, when I tried uploading this through chrome it only displays the HTML so I had to end up uploading using Microsoft edge.

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    When I open my solution through vscode everything is identical as the design given but when I deploy the site through github it messes up my project. Anyone know how to fix this? Also, the top half of the avatar image has a blue border. How do I remove that blue border that is only on the top half of the avatar?

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    Any type of feedback is much appreciated. Let me know if I could have been more efficient with my code or maybe some redundant code that I don't need. etc.

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    Any type of feedback is greatly appreciated!