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All comments

  • Alex 1,310



    Hello everyone! Any comments are welcome.

    Check app in offline mode.

  • Boots 😺 1,590



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Hey everyone! It's been a while 😊

    Well, I'm most proud of the PWA support that I could implement within this next.js project. One more step towards progressive web apps!

    Currently, I'm using client-side API calls but for future projects, I would like to prioritize using the API dedicated routes and creating custom route handlers to enhance performance and SEO potentially ⬆️

    I also implemented a toast when the links are shortened using Sonner!

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The one challenge that made it difficult for me to implement the API was the API itself. I was running into CORS policy issues and the cleanuri API documentation doesn't really specify how to configure the requests... so I tested the API using postman and it did work but the result link returned by the API is very much prone to phishing attacks. As soon as I clicked that antivirus started screaming at me and I decided to see the website anyway.. yup I shouldn't have... bad decision 💀

    In the end, I just opted for a different API which is actually pretty safe and public so for anyone who wants to use that instead here's the repo for it: 1pt-co

    The format returned by this API is very much aligned with this specific project so it helped a lot. One less state to maintain haha

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I'm still learning about accessibility and I've tried to implement it for this project but I'm still not sure if I've implemented it fully so any help with that is appreciated.

    While lighthouse does help with the main accessibility issues it doesn't help with core ones apparently so I'd also like to know which tools you guys use to analyze the page for major accessibility issues.

    It was a good project overall and I had fun! Any Feedback or suggestions are appreciated.

    P.S I used Framer motion to animate the URLs so give it a go! 🪄

    URL Shortening API || Next.js + Typescript



    Alex 1,310



    Finally, where have you been?))) Good work, by the way!!

  • Alex 1,310



    Hi, very clean solution. Do you have mobile navigation bar or am i missing something?

    Marked as helpful

  • Vishnu_31 230



    Hello Everyone ,

    Just now completed the Notification page challenge.

    I have done almost everything.

    I face difficulty in positioning the red dot on unread messages.

    I could not make it the part of the paragraph so I have it as a separate flex item.

    It will be helpful if anyone can point me in the right direction for this.

    Thank you.

    Alex 1,310



    Hello, about positioning red dot... You can use ::before or ::after. I think this is one of the right direction you can choose.

  • P



    my biggest difficulty in this first challenge is learning Git ! and maybe there is a better way than cheating with margin and padding for center the Qr code !

    Alex 1,310



    Hello! Look pretty good.

    For centering element you can apply:

    1. flex and justify-content: center and align-items:center
    2. grid and place-content: center
    3. do this with position and translate

    There are many ways.

    Here are some videos about centering

  • Boots 😺 1,590



    Heyoo Everyone!

    This was my first time using useContext() hook in a project to pass around props instead of doing prop drilling. I've only used one context to just try it out and didn't add another one (which I was thinking of doing for the modal but that would've just made it more complex for me to manage 😆)

    Out of all the projects I've done using framer-motion this by far is probably the most fun one. It made me look more into other framer stuff like <LayoutGroup>, layout, and LayoutId and they did make the modal animations a lot smoother.

    ✨ I hope you guys give the website a go to test out the animations and lemme know how the experience is! and any feedback on how I can improve the code is much appreciated. (especially the usage of useContext hook and if I could've done it better)


    Crowdfunding Product Page || React + TailwindCSS



    Alex 1,310



    Very good work!! Keep going!

  • Realitales 110



    Hello everyone,

    I'd love to hear your feedback on my latest project!

    Your insights would be immensely helpful! Thank you for your time and input! 🙏

    Vite + React of Fylo.



    Alex 1,310



    Hello, cool animation by the way!

    Some tip to you.

    To prevent resizing when you hover on links

    Marked as helpful

  • Alex 1,310



    Good luck on your looooong way!))

    Marked as helpful

  • Alex 1,310



    Perfect as always!! Did this atomic css classes tailwind framework? I'm I right?

    Nice footer!! I'll take note.

  • @Grendaizo90


    Still have a problem with responsive behavior, maybe you could tell me about bad practices in my code, and about best pratices i should use.

    Thanks in advance!!!

    Alex 1,310



    Looks good, and the markup is also норм)

  • Alex 1,310



    Thank you, Vinicius!!

    You always likes my "masterpieces")))

  • Alex 1,310



    Hello, nice work!! Maybe some of my advices can help you to improve your html+css+js skills.

    First of all seperate your body <header></header>, <main></main>, <footer></footer> tags. It's for semantics.

    In your case <main> and <footer> are needed.

    Secondly, <br><br>... not needed. Configure you CSS file for the resentation of a document written in HTML.

    To remove you markup html errors you can check html in this site (just copy-paste you html). The presence of accessibility errors will show this extension

    I think some of community members can say more.))

    Keep going!!

    Marked as helpful

  • @miporins


    Hello! Completed this responsive challenge, and it was a great challenge to learn more about units and media queries. :)

    I hope I was able to make it right, but if not, please leave your feedback, and I'll make sure to study more and improve my coding!


    Alex 1,310



    Hi, Carolina, good job! Please add padding to the text section.

    Marked as helpful

  • Alex 1,310



    Any comments are welcome!

    I had problems with the soft purple filter on the image:

    • am I doing the right thing?
    • how can it be improved?
    Alex 1,310



    made corrections according to this comments
