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    Ecommerce Product Page with React and TypeScript

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I'm learning React and Typescript, so I would really appreciate any feedback on the componentization, types, good practices... Anything ;)

  • Submitted

    IP Address Tracker with React, TypeScript and Axios

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    The most complicated thing for me has been deciphering the "React Leaflet" documentation (quite poor in my opinion). Learning how to update map coordinates and customize the marker took me a while. Some parts of Typescript were difficult for me, too.

    I'm pretty new to web design, so any comments on the code will be very helpful!

  • Submitted

    Space tourism multi-page website

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    This is my first time using React Router and although the page works, I'm not too sure the code is good. I would greatly appreciate any advice or comments on this or any other aspect of the project. Thank you!

  • Submitted

    Fixed after looking at other solutions. I've noticed that, being a component, it makes much more sense to do it in a single .html page.

    Any feedback is highly appreciated.

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    I'm learning React, so I'd love any feedback on how I've designed the card component to make it reusable (the props passed to it and the split between its own styles and those given to it from App). I know it's not practical to use React for such small projects, but I need to practice it ;)

  • Submitted

    This is my first time giving complex styles to a React project.

    I would love to know your opinion about the structure of the styles, the use of the components, possible improvements, etc.

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    Making the component responsive through media queries (the intermediate states between the resolutions that are requested) is the part that I find most difficult and time-consuming. How do you approach this part?

  • Submitted

    Feedback is greatly appreciated.

    It's my first time with Sass and I would like to know your opinion about nesting. I have read that it is not recommended to nest more than about 3 levels in Sass to avoid creating selectors that are too specific and not very reusable. I'd like to know what you think about this recommendation and how you break up selectors in cases like this, where there are deeper levels of nesting in the HTML.

    Thank you very much!