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  • @Joeweath


    I could not figure out how to deploy my Repository on GitHub to make it a live website. I made a new branch and also tried using the Docs folder instead of the Root folder but no matter what I either got a 404 error or the live website was my Readme file.

    I used CSS Flexbox





    Hi Joseph,

    The index.html file needs to be in the folder that GitHub is building from. Currently, the only file in your root folder is, so the website is being built off of that. If you were to move the contents of the order-summary-component-main folder into the root folder, I'm sure it would work!

  • @BananaTechs


    Hey Ronel! I found this solution while doing this challenge myself:

    Works perfectly. Hope this helps!

    Marked as helpful

  • @BananaTechs


    Hi Katherin, looks great! It seems that the sizing problems on mobile come from the fixed height of the .page and .card divs. Without them, the card should resize itself to fit all the available content inside without being cut off!

    As for the width, I guess not much can be done without using media queries for responsive design, other than making the fixed width smaller.

    Also, you could try using the :hover pseudoselector to implement the active states!

    .main-payment:hover {
      background-color: //Insert favourite purple here

    Lastly, while looking at the css for .main-payment, I noticed that the margin styling could be shortened a little:

    .main-payment {
      margin: 10px 40px 20px;

    The left margin would just take the same value as the right margin in this instance.

    Hope this helps any. Good luck!

  • @KwasiStudio


    Ran to a lot of issues during this process. For starters I couldn't figure out how to fuse the search bar with the arrow icon so i went for a regular button

    The mobile view works but I couldn't figure out how to shift the photo to the right for the desktop version.

    Im posting my result just to get some feed back and see what others have done.



    Hi Ellson! I wish we could see the site. I think the github pages setup needs some adjustment, and then you can just edit the solution's link. It's better to have one repository per project, beacause you can only have one github page per repository, so that way you can have multiple solutions at once. Also, having seprate repositories means that rolling one back in git won't roll back other projects in the same repository. You could check out my solution to see how it's set up.

    As for how to have the image display to the right, you can set the parent container as display: flex, which displays all the container's children in a row from left to right. You could also set flex-direction: row-reverse if necessary, and flex-direction: column for mobile layouts.

    Hope this helps!
