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  • Jarmoโ€ข 50



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Focused on mobile first and made it easier to change to desktop.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Worked with two imgs in the html. One for mobile and one for desktop and alternated between them via display none through media queries for mobile and desktop.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Is there another method to change between these two imgs for mobile and desktop?

    Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hi Jarmo ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜€

    First of all, congratulations ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ on the work you've done๐Ÿ™‚. It's not bad at this level. Now you just have to take into account the elements provided for particular types. That's the best way to improve accessibility.

    I recommend that in this type of case where the interface designer provides you with several images depending on which device the user will end up on, you use the picture tag in HTML, which potentially receives source tags and the img tag. This will simplify stylisation and is mainly designed for this type of case.

    Here's the link to my solution if you want to see how I solved the challenge ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    ๐Ÿ‘‹Hi @Slaks97

    I think you've already done a great job๐Ÿ‘Œ in terms of accessibility.

    Here are a few suggestions for improving your code:

    - HTML:

    Caching of external resources, such as Google Fonts, could be improved. You can add rel="preload" attributes to preload these resources and improve performance.

    - CSS:

    1. Use CSS variables: CSS variables let you define reusable values for text styles, such as font size or color. By using variables, you can guarantee style consistency and facilitate subsequent modifications.

    2. Units: Instead of using a fixed font size in pixels (px) as in the body, you can use a relative font size in em or rem. Use relative units of measurement (em, rem) for font size to create flexible and adaptable text styles, simplifying global adjustments of text size in your project.

    3. Use reusable classes for text styles: If you have similar text styles that are repeated in several elements, you can create reusable classes. This avoids repeating the same styles in different CSS selectors, simplifying code and facilitating subsequent updates.

    4. Use more targeted selectors: In some cases, you can use more specific CSS selectors to apply specific styles to certain text elements. This saves you having to add additional classes to your HTML elements. You can use selectors based on the structure of your HTML to precisely target the desired elements.

    The aim of these suggestions is to improve the maintainability, consistency and reusability of text styles in your CSS code. By following these best practices, you can make your code cleaner, easier to understand and easier to maintain. This is very useful when working on projects that are likely to evolve, for example.

    Apart from these few tips, your code looks well structured and functional.

    Good code๐Ÿ˜‰

    Marked as helpful

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hi @sebytreza! โœ‹

    HTML code :

    • You have used ids for several elements. If these elements are not supposed to be unique on the page, it would be better to use classes instead. Ids are generally used for unique elements, while classes are used for elements that can be repeated.

    Code CSS :

    • It is recommended to separate the CSS styles from the HTML file. You already have a style.css file, but there are also inline styles in the HTML file. Move the inline styles into the style.css file to keep a clear separation between the structure (HTML) and the presentation (CSS).

    • You could use more descriptive and consistent class names, using a naming convention such as BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) to make the code easier to understand and maintain. For example, instead of using identifier names like "eth" and "delay", use class names like "card__price" and "card__time-left" or other more descriptive names.

    • Try to avoid using fixed widths and heights for elements, especially when dealing with containers. Fixed dimensions can cause layout problems on different screens and resolutions. Instead, use relative widths and heights (%, vw, vh) or flexible units (rem, em) for better scalability.

    • In CSS, identifier selectors (#id) have a higher specificity than class selectors (.class). Since you have used identifiers for some elements, this can cause problems if you want to apply additional styles using classes. It is better to replace identifiers with classes to avoid specificity problems and to make the code easier to maintain.

    • The #overlay:hover img selector can be replaced by a class to be more consistent with other selectors. For example, .overlay:hover .overlay__img.

    • Use CSS variables to store colors, fonts and other recurring values. This makes maintenance easier and allows you to quickly change the themes or colors of the site.

    ๐Ÿ‘‡Here are some additional suggestions for improving your code and further optimization:

    1 Units used:

    • For margins, spacing, and font sizes, it is recommended to use relative units such as rem or em. This allows for better accessibility and more consistent scaling on different devices and screen sizes.
    • For widths and heights, it is best to use percentages (%), viewport units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax), or flexible units (fr for CSS grids) for a more adaptive layout.

    2 Structure of HTML elements :

    • Use semantic HTML elements to describe the content in a more meaningful way. For example, instead of using a <div> to encompass the content of the map, you can use an <article> tag.
    • You can also use <header>, <footer>, and <section> tags to organize content more semantically.
    • For images, always add an alt attribute to describe the image. This improves accessibility and helps screen readers understand the content of the image.

    3 Accessibility:

    • You can improve the accessibility of your site by adding Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) attributes to elements. For example, add aria-label or aria-labelledby to buttons and links to provide additional information to users who use screen readers.
    • Make sure there is sufficient color contrast between the text and the background for readability. You can use online tools such as the WCAG Color Contrast to check if colors meet accessibility standards.

    4 Image Optimization:

    • Optimize images to reduce file size and improve load times. Use online image optimization tools such as TinyPNG or ImageOptim to compress images without quality loss.
    • Use the <picture> tag with srcset and sizes attributes to provide images suitable for different resolutions and pixel densities. This improves performance and user experience on high pixel density devices.

    I hope it will be useful for you for the future. Courage and good code ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    ๐Ÿ‘‹Salut @Jxnfernandx

    Here are some tips with case studies for choosing units in CSS

    1.Pixels (px):

    Practical case: .container { width: 300px; } -Advantages: Precise and easy to understand, pixels are commonly used to define fixed dimensions. -Disadvantages: Dimensions defined in pixels do not adapt based on screen size or user preferences, which can lead to readability or layout issues on some devices.

    2.Percentage (%):

    Practical case: .container { width: 50%; } -Advantages: Percentages allow for fluid layouts that adapt to the screen size. They are particularly useful for responsive designs. -Disadvantages: It can be difficult to predict the exact appearance of elements with percentage-based dimensions, especially if the parent container dimensions are not clearly defined.

    3.Em (em):

    Practical case: p { font-size: 1.5em; } -Advantages: "Em" units are based on the font size of the parent element, allowing for designs that adapt to the user's font size preferences. -Disadvantages: Dimensions defined in "em" can be difficult to manage, especially when nested within multiple levels of parent elements.

    4.Rem (rem):

    Practical case: p { font-size: 1.2rem; } -Advantages: "Rem" units are similar to "em," but they are based on the font size of the root element (typically the <html> element). This avoids the nesting issues encountered with "em." -Disadvantages: As with "em," dimensions defined in "rem" can be less predictable than those defined in pixels.

    5.Viewport units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax):

    Practical case: .container { width: 50vw; } -Advantages: Viewport units allow for designs that adapt to the dimensions of the browser window, which is useful for fluid and responsive layouts. -Disadvantages: Dimensions defined in viewport units can be less predictable than those defined in pixels and may require additional adjustments to ensure proper layout on different devices.

    Each of these units has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is often wise to combine them to create designs that adapt well to various devices and user preferences.

    Good code๐Ÿ˜‰

    Marked as helpful

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hey @CalebeRL, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

    Your solution its almost done and Iโ€™ve some tips to help you to improve it:

    In the body{ } you can put your general font-family rather than on the *{ } (which implies an absolute field of action).

    If you want to reset some elements you can do it with *{ } and choose the elements to reset. Here, your CSS reset is not effective for this project, to optimize it you will have to add elements. Here are some links that address the issue: Link 1 , Link 2 , Link 3

    Why give a class to your image knowing that in the project, it's the only one that exists and that to select it in CSS you'll just have to to call its img tag. Again a question of accessibility but also of specificity.

    As for your h1. For a reason of accessibility the search engine that indexes this page knows that the h1 is the highest heading so it is identified by default. So by default it is identified as a high level heading as a title. If you had put your title in a span or a div, then you would have to add an attribute role="title".

    The size of your image will never take 90% (90vw) of the width of the screen because you have set a max-width: 310px for your card. In this case you have to set it to 100% of the width of the card.

    Use relative units like rem or em which is much better than px to improve performance when resizing fonts between different screens and devices. In your case, you use both rem and px, which is not recommended in terms of accessibility.

    Instead of a simple div to display the copyright notices you can either put as an attribute to that <div role="footer"></div> or use the semantic tag dedicated for that which is <footer></footer>

    Psss: Include only elements that your project will need in the reset to avoid loading your code.

    Make it Work, Make it Clean.

    Here's my solution for this challenge if you wants to see how I build it.

    โœŒ๏ธ I hope this helps you and happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hey Rachel !

    Good job. The only thing I can recommend is the use of a CSS class when you feel that the selectors are so numerous that you risk confusing them all. And don't forget that it also affects accessibility

  • dashdashโ€ข 20



    I not sure others see the card in center or not because I use every way to centered it, but it is not working.

    Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hi @monsda, here are my few suggestions you can consider adding to your code:

    • On your element <p id="perfume">P E R F U M E</p> , rather than separating the letters in hard you can in your css apply the property *letter-spacing * and assign the value that corresponds to the spacing you are interested in.

    • To your selector body you assigned an absolute position , which is not very practical in the context of this project and according to your html structure. Click here if you want to make a small revision related to the positioning of an element of the html page. Pssss: It's not your page that needs to be positioned but rather the product that you wrapped in a div with the class container

    • On the other hand, on your container you could apply an absolute position, while making sure to manage the top and the left of this container and then apply the transform property. this combination will fix the issue of centering the element in the page.

    here is a link to more detail related to the transform property and the translate method which responds well to your need.

    If you're interested, click here to see my solution to this challenge :)

    Good code to you ;)

    Marked as helpful

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hi @Cheosphere! It's great your work. If I have one thing to say it's to think about making your CSS cleaner with the DRY ;).

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hi @sirsky89, here are some recommendations to improve the code you submitted:

    • The correct structure of a page when you want to use a <header> element would be to take it as an introductory container. It must have, as its name indicates, a title from level h1 to h6, and if desired, a description or a logo...

    • You include your image with a div, which is not necessary in this case. we use div only when we have several elements to manage the positioning in the page. Note: always remember to have the most sober code possible (clean).

    • In your CSS you attribute the value 'column' to the property Display, which is not possible. I'll let you take a look at the possible values โ€‹โ€‹if you don't use a Flex Box on the following link -> Display

    • Also, the <p> and <h.> elements are inline by default, i.e. when displayed, they are positioned one above the other and not next to each other. side of others. So no need in your case to store it by a column property value.

    If you wish, you can take a look at my solution to this challenge here

    I hope my feedback will be useful to you ;) Good code to you!

    Marked as helpful

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hi @zikoechetabu, here are some recommendations regarding the code you provided:

    -You can make it much simpler already by removing the section but if you really want to use them they must have a heading from h2 to h6 if not, a div if you want to include your elements will do.

    -You can display your img, h1 and p elements in a div.

    Here are links that will show you the small difference between a div and a [section](https://www.w3schools. com/tags/tag_section.asp)

    Here my solution to this challenge

    I hope it will be useful for you ;)

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    **Hi @vcarames! Thanks for your feedback! ** I've taken your recommendations into account and updated my code. If you want to take a look again and tell me what you think ;)

  • Chermann KINGโ€ข 330



    Hey @AM-png, some suggestions to improve you code:

    If you notice, it is a card displaying a QR code. The <aside> tag that you use here to enclose each element of the map (texts and image) is not recommended for this purpose. You could have used a simple <div> or even an <article>. All the same congratulations for the work done.

    I leave you the link that can show you the good use of <aside> and <article> tags

    Here is my solution to this challenge if you wish.

    Marked as helpful
