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All comments

  • @tiennd12


    Hi, I just finished the desktop version of the challenge, mobile is not available yet :D

    My color format is not match with the design and I'm having difficulty in finding the matching color. I also found that my text is not aligned center with the button. I'd like to hear solution from others about the rating selection, mine seems unoptimized.

    I appreciate the help. Thank you.

    Dinesh 1,115



    Hi NGUYEN!

    Great work on this solution. Here are my few suggestions.

    • I think you haven't removed margin form the body looks like a white border.
    • Rating number are not accessible by the keyboard.
    • Adding transition on submit button would be better.

    Awesome work Keep going and happy coding.

  • @nitskp


    Can we use percentage and em simultaneously? When I was designing it got jumbled up. So, I decided to use pixels as it was working fine in this case.

    Dinesh 1,115



    Yes, you can but avoid using pixels most often use rem or em on font size. You can take on this StackOverflow question Should I use px or rem value units in my CSS? .

    Fantastic Work Happy Coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Hi, ccreusat! Something unique makes people outstand. Fantastic on this challenge.

    Happy Coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Hi Thiago, Something went wrong with your deployment. It shows our friend 404 error. Try deploying again on the root folder of the project.

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Hi Ganesh! Great work on this challenge. I think you haven't seen the style readme file on the downloaded folder where they provide font-family and color for the project.

    Great work Happy Coding.

    Marked as helpful

  • @sakssingh



    This is my first project in frontend mentor. I would really appreciate if you can review my solution and give some advice.


    Dinesh 1,115



    Hello Sakssingh, 👋 Amazing work on your first challenge. Here is my small suggestion

    • Just take a look at your report of your project for accessibility issues

    Great work Keep Coding, Happy Coding🤗

    Marked as helpful

  • Wack 30



    Please feel free to comment on my mistakes and your opinions

    Dinesh 1,115



    Hi, Wack04 Fantastic work on this challenge

    Here are my few suggestions

    • Consider using only one h1 tag as the top-level-heading only. The h1 tag is the most important heading because it’s the highest level tag that shows what your specific page is about.
    • The presence of more than one H1 won’t necessarily confuse the search engine, but it could dilute the SEO power of a single H1.
    • responsiveness of the site is great
    • Add :focus pseudo class to interactive elements like anchors, buttons, etc. Use outline property to make your website more accessible to keyboard users. Focusable elements like anchor, buttons, or inputs they have applied default :focus pseudo class with outline property. These default styles are subtle and hardly visible tho. Furthermore, every browser has a slightly different default style for the outline, so you probably want to change the default style.

    Great work Happy Coding and keep coding

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Hello Sarajlija👋

    Fantastic work on this challenge Here are my few suggestion for your solution

    • In mobile view your footer has been squashed.
    • try adding some more padding on the article card and align your text center.
    • Looks great at desktop view 😋.

    That's it Great stuff. Happy Coding and Keep Coding🤗

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Hello, tenzind12 👋

    Great work on this challenge, Here are my few suggestions on your solutions.

    • Tip Calculator works only when the user clicks on the select tip. If the user changes the bill amount or number of people. It's not updating.
    • There is no indication which tip is currently selected use classes or radio inputs to manipulate dom
    • Your .p1 and .p2 font-size are too small and slim

    Well, that's it. Happy Coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Hi ESMITH!

    Fantastic work on this challenge 🙌 . Your solution responds well. Here is are my minor suggestions for your solution

    • When I resized my screen to tablet size your .card fits the entire width of the screen you can use max-width for that issue.
    • Your .card__info__description font-size seems to bit smaller. It makes harder to read for poor vision peoples

    Well, that's it. Happy Coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @TrakaMeitene


    Actually tried to make the arrow to animate after client scroll. Will try later, to make it not a pseudo class content , so I could do that. But it was fun to work with such a sunny design.

    Dinesh 1,115



    Hello, TrakaMeitene!

    Fantastic work on this challenge. Here are my few suggestions

    • You have misspelled <!DOCTYPE html5> you should remove the 5.
    • Your .bildes overflows out of the window.

    You nailed it! Happy Coding

  • Dinesh 1,115



    Great work on this challenge. You have managed the responsiveness of the site very well that's cool. Keep up the great work!
