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All comments

  • @Duyen-codes


    Hei, I wonder how you learned JS so well? Could you share any resources you have used please. I'd really appreciate that.

  • @Duyen-codes


    Well done!

  • @Duyen-codes


    I love the animations, but the score is NaN. Maybe that's something to improve on. Great job still!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Duyen-codes


    your solution looks great overall! I'm new to React, may I ask how did you make the downloaded folder into react app using npx create-react-app? Thanks

  • @p-kosinski


    • What do you think about unit tests quality ?
    • What do you think about filtering implementation - shouldn't active filters state be an array which component Filters maps to display them instead of the way i solved this?

    Job listings with filtering - React





    Your solution looks great! May I ask how and where have you been learning react to get to this level? Thanks a lot.

  • Shuaib 640



    I'm really happy with myself that I get to finish this project. It is one of the projects I really enjoyed working on.

    I had to leave it for a while because other things came up that I had to attend to, but here I am, finally done with the project.

    One of the issues I had though, was properly handling the error. The best I could do was log the error to the console. I don't know if there is a better way of handling the error. I would be glad to find out.

    Any other feedback apart from the one requested are also highly welcome 😊



    Great job on completing this one! Your solution looks nice when I viewed it and it's responsive too. I like that your codes are very clear with the help of comments. Keep coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Duyen-codes


    Nice solution! It worked fine as I used the site.

  • Anas 330



    Had fun doing this challenge, I am still at the beginning journey with React so any suggestion or feedback is appreciated!



    Nice job on completing this one! I’ve just started learning react and this project is on my goal list too.

  • @louis-bamidele


    Do you have any questions about best practices? What did you find difficult while building the project? Which areas of your code are you unsure of? Yes i do, i used css positioning on the pictures here. I have a question for about the best practices or what approach would/did you use? "Feedback welcome".



    Good job on completing this one! Your solution looks great! Keep up the great work.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Duyen-codes


    Hey! your solution looks great! This challenge remains my goal, I'm still learning JS and thinking of doing this one but I am stuck with filter and search functions. Btw, I visited your github and very impressed with your profile page. May I ask how did you get that nice looking page with different icons and stuff? I'd really like to improve mine but still dont know how. Thanks in advance and keep up the great work!

  • @Duyen-codes


    Hey! There's always rooms for betterment but your solution looks great! Great job on completing this one. I'm still struggling with it but i'll keep learning. Thanks for the inspiration! And happy to connect! I've been learning front end web dev on my own for over 6 months now but I've been doing mostly html css so my js is still very weak. I'm trying to learn more by building projects. Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Duyen-codes


    Your solution looks great! Keep it up! This challenge is still my goal!

  • @K4UNG


    I thought I was comfortable with flexbox before this but I had to use CSS grid for the layout of this page. When I was implementing the responsive design, it felt very inefficient. I know it's because I was not comfortable with CSS grid yet but it still worked out so is it normal or at which parts need improvement? I mostly stuck styling the footer section when I was writing CSS. If I were to implement this with flexbox, how can I do that?



    Hey! Your solution looks great! I've looked into your codes and learned a tons. I did not know how to change the color of logo to white and thanks to you I have managed to do it, well basically i copied 1 line of your code and that's done. I wonder how did you know about that filter thing, it's quite long line of many things. Since I copied and it worked but I dont quite yet understand, I would be very grateful if you could help shred some lights for me on this matter. Thanks a lot in advance and keep up the great work!

  • @Duyen-codes


    Hey! I have just checked out your solution. It's awesome! Keep up the great work! I've learned quite a lot from reading your codes!

  • P
    Fluffy Kas 7,735



    Hey guys,

    I wanted to practice some CSS with this challenge as I was focusing a lot more on Javascript recently and felt like I was getting a bit rusty ^^ I'd like to get some feedback, especially on the semantic side of things, if there's any way to improve what I did, I'd love to know! If anyone could suggest some animations for the hero section of the page, I'd appreciate that too! I don't have a lot of experience with animations and I don't want to go overboard with them, but without any that section seems a bit... plain? >.>

    Any feedback, good or bad, is greatly appreciated! Have a lovely day!

    Huddle with scss and a lot of flexbox





    Your solution looks great! I'm planning to do this challenge and coming across your profile. I'll definitely go back to have a look at your solution again to compare with mine and learn from yours. May I ask how long have you been learning web dev and how have you learned so well? I have quite ok knowledge with html css but still struggle a lot with JS. I've seen that you have completed the space landing page challenge, which is my challenge goal but I am not that good with JS that i can't do that yet. Happy to connect with you!

  • @dabinderudhan


    Hi All, It was fun making this project and it helped me alot in learning new properties and practising them. Please feel free to go through my project and provide me with your valuable feedback. Thanks everyone. Best Regards.

    Responsive Space Tourism Website fetching data from json local file





    Your solution looks great!

  • @Duyen-codes


    Your solution looks great! Thanks for the inspiration.

  • @Duyen-codes


    Great solution! I'm thinking of doing this challenge using React. I'm starting to learn React so I would like to start small. How have you been?

    Marked as helpful

  • @osoriodev


    Hi everyone 👋

    This is my solution to the challenge. I did it only with HTML and CSS

    • For the storage bar I used a meter element
    • Also add a couple of animations to the component

    For now I have no doubts, but any suggestion is welcome.

    Fylo data storage component





    Great job!

  • Rafal 1,395



    A hopefully simple solution for this challenge. I'll still tweak a few things before (probably) making a YT video on building this particular solution. I'll possibly add some accessibility-friendly bits and pieces once I learn a thing or 2 about adding them for something like a custom-toggle. If someone has any suggestions I'd welcome accessibility tips!

    Styling the <input type="range"> was simple and yet very 'long' since you have to replicate code for different selectors for chrome/mozilla and if you're bothered - IE. I wasn't bothered 😕.

    Cheers :)



    Great job! as always! :)

    Marked as helpful

  • Rafal 1,395



    Hey all,

    (Question on the bottom, summary on the top).

    Just one I did for fun. I realised I could practice building keyboard-accessible navigation with some thought given to tabindex and when to add/remove it from the collapsible links. Then I realised how badly I wrote my JS and refactored it to be more readable.

    I gave special attention to the transitions/animations for the header. You will see the collapsible menu-categories transition themselves from the direction/location of the buttons that activate them. I also added smooth transitions for the actual link-containers as well, the max-height, gap, padding and margin properties together is what makes the smoothness possible.

    Also learned about what exactly scrollHeight is and that it does not seem to include some aspects of the content, I believe it was omitting/excluding line-height of my <a>'s for example. It also ignores things like the gap property of any parent flex container. So I just wrote my own customScrollHeight variable. All in all I didn't expect to learn so much, as minor as it may seem at first. AWESOME project.

    I paid attention to making sure the grids I used were smooth. I did NOT pay attention to the background image for the hero, just sort of threw it in there with rough calculations, I'm sorry :(.

    Question: Does anyone have any good thinking-framework for working with CSS grid? Some sort of a mental model with which to follow and break grid-down? My current style is based on analysing the design and then just fitting the grid in, mobile first with an OK understanding of the various grid-units we can use for rows/columns. But beyond that it's laissez faire.

    Cheeeeeeers 😁



    Thanks for completing project! It looks great. Love the smooth transitions and stuff. Really cool!

    Marked as helpful

  • P
    Ken 4,915



    Believe it or not, this was my first time building a slider. Whenever I'm going to build something for the first time, I always try to conquer the challenge by myself. I highly suggest you do the same, before jumping into YouTube or Google to find solutions. First, try to come up with a solution that just works, and doesn't matter how messy your JS looks at the moment. Next, try to refactor that messy code, so that when you need to work on that project again you can figure out what is what just in a glance. Lastly, if along the way you've come across a problem that you cannot solve by yourself, then try using Google or YouTube to figure out what you did wrong. And trust me, this simple process will help you a lot. If you're someone who's trying to come out of tutorial hell, then you should definitely stick to this routine. Otherwise, you'll always be watching others' videos on YouTube and copy and paste their code from CodePen or GitHub repo.

    You already know what to do, if you have any suggestions 👨🏻‍💻 Cheers 👾



    Great job! Your solution looks very nice!

  • @Duyen-codes


    Very impressive! Great job on completing this challenge. I'm also planning to do this project with pure html, css, js. Thanks!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Duyen-codes


    Very impressive! Your solution looks great both on mobile, tablet and desktop view!

    Marked as helpful
