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  • Raymart Pamplona• 16,140



    Hello!! This is my 21st challenge and my first challenge using React!!

    I have been studying React right now, mostly google-ing things out since I don't have any course about it hahaha but managed to learn even in small increments.

    This challenge was fun to create, I want to add other animation but useEffect really did make my head hurt a lot, so yeah, didn't add other but managed to add like in the design. But as I go coding this challenge, useEffect keeps making more sense and so yeyy.

    Also, why does it keeps prompting that it needs the props that I used inside it, as well as the other functions that I used. It would be counterintuitive to include them in the dependency array since I am not firing the effect from those, but it keeps telling me put them inside. Then if I put the props inside, it says now it needs to be destructured, then when I desctructured it in the component, it now needs to be inside a useCallback. I have a lot to test.

    I also implemented my own drag and drop, didn't want to use other modules because it is my first time creating a drag and drop, it is beneficial to first create it as much as you can before jumping to other solution. I got it right :>>

    There would be a lot of improvements to be done and if you can point other things, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for checking it out!!

    Ven Gallardo• 90



    idol na talaga kita dre!

  • Ven Gallardo• 90




    I recommend you to try netlify to deploy your challenges.

    Either way good work on the challenge.

  • ZenCode95• 110



    It's that time again... This was probably the hardest challenge I've done on here so far what with figuring out the placement of the background circle/spheres, and even then I'm not quite happy with how they've been arranged but I've done the best I could with my present skill level. Feedback is, of course, welcome.

    Ven Gallardo• 90



    Good job! keep it up

  • Shuree• 65



    I am having a tiny problem the nav section is not showing on the Safari browser on mobile. If anyone has any suggestion or solution, please help me. Thank you.

    Ven Gallardo• 90



    Looking great for desktop view. Work even harder and you will master it eventually
