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    Hi guys. Glad I finally figured out how to interact with local JSON file. I have to upload it first on Github. Its not possible to interact with local JSON stored in my folder due to CORS policy. I just dont know why am I having an accesibility error <li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol> if <menu> is a substitute for <ul>. Any suggestions are welcome ☺

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    Hi guys! I was not able to fetch local JSON file due to CORS policy, so I had to hardcode data to my app.js. Any suggestions for this problem? How is possible to fetch data from local JSON file without CORS errors?

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    Simple card

    • HTML
    • CSS


    Hi guys. It was quite easy for me, but missing it caused OCD attacks. Anyway, any suggestions are welcome ☺

  • Submitted

    Hi guys,

    I was trying to use BEM standarts for naming css classes. Am I doing it right?

    I was also trying to make it responsive on all screen sizes, but it ended up with a little messy code.

    I dont understand why I have HTML error in: <li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol> when according to MDN <menu> should be subtitute for <ul>

    Any suggestions welcome!

  • Submitted

    Hi FM community,

    I dont understand why my z-index doesnt work on .mobile__content__answer. Other things seem ok for me. Any suggestions welcome 🦾

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    Hi guys.

    I am pretty sure that it could have been easier, but the page works good at the end. Next time, I will simplify my JS.

    Any suggestions welcome!

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    Hi guys.

    This was very challenging for me as I was struggling with writing proper JS code to make all the components as functional as they should be. It was hard figuring out how to change text values not only by clicking the toggle button, but also by changing values on the input bar.

    Other hard thing for me was figuring out how to style the input range properly, after all I solved it by creating 2 divs underneath the input slider. Is there any better solution?

    My code looks like a mess at the end, but the solution seems good.

    Any suggestions are welcome!

    Edit: The input bar is displayed differently in firefox and chrome, any suggestions how to solve cross-browser problems?

    Edit 2: I added some -webkit- properties and now it seems to work at all browsers, if anyone is struggling with styling the range bar i reccomend this article

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    Hi! I had troubles placing the bubble exactly on the line of the second box on all devices. Any suggestions about better solution?

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    Hi FM community!

    I believe that my JS code can be simplified, but its my first project that contains more than a few lines. Therefore any suggestions are welcome ☺