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  • Submitted

    Completed the desktop version of the challenge. If anyone could review the code and let me know the feedback would be really helpful :)

  • Submitted

    This challenge took a lot of time and i think i have made it look complex. If anyone can review and suggest me the areas I need to work on will be helpful.

    p.s. The background color is different from the challenge given.

    And also when I open my site it looks fine, but in design comparision the "type a message" section goes out of "div" element. Can someone let me know the reason?

    Now planning to go ahead with Javascript learning, so would love to know which areas i need to improve before moving ahead.

  • Submitted

    Please take your time, review the code and let me know your feedback and suggestions. Thanks in advance :)

  • Submitted

    Do review and suggest how can this code be made simpler. I struggled a bit to get this structure and as of now was able to do only the desktop version of the challenge. Too much time consuming to identify the sizes of different elements and positioning them :)

  • Submitted

    Please review the code and let me know your feedback. I think my code is very short comparitive to other solutions I see on this challenge, so just want to what i am missing or it is just the other way.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Submitted

    Please do review my code and give your suggestions. With many trial and error i some how managed to get the design structure but still very much confused on the display of different sections. Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

  • Submitted

    Please do review and give suggestions to improve my code. I am new to coding. Thanks in advance :)