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All comments

  • @InterestingPlus


    Congratulations.. I have some recommendations for you..

    Give It height: 100dvh instead of 100vh for Best Performance on Mobile Devices..

    It will remove Extra Scroll space in mobile device.


  • Kaung Set 340



    I tried to build this fullstack with database and user authentication, session, role and permission.This is my first time using supabase.

    Frontend Mentor Todo List





    🤩 The todo list you've created based on the Frontend Mentor challenge is a great.

    Here are some suggestions to further enhance the functionality and user experience of your todo list: 👍

    1. Data Persistence: Implement a feature to store the todo list data locally so that users can access their todos even after refreshing the page or closing the browser.

    • You can use web storage APIs like localStorage or sessionStorage to achieve this functionality.

    2. Clear Completed Todos: Add a "Clear Completed" button or functionality to allow users to easily remove completed todos from their list.

    • This provides a convenient way to declutter the interface and improve usability.

    3. Drag and Drop: Consider implementing drag-and-drop functionality to allow users to reorder their todos.

    • This feature enables users to prioritize their tasks according to their preferences and improves the overall user experience.

    Implementing these suggestions will help you create a more robust and user-friendly todo list.

    Keep iterating on your project and seek feedback from users to continuously improve its functionality and user experience.

    Great job on your progress so far!

  • @InterestingPlus


    🤩 The advice generator app you've built is a nice implementation of the design provided.

    ✨Here are a few suggestions to consider for further improvement:


    1. Error Handling: Currently, the app doesn't handle any errors or edge cases.

    • It would be helpful to include appropriate error handling and validation for scenarios such as empty inputs or unexpected API responses. Providing clear error messages or feedback to users will enhance the overall user experience.

    2. Loading State: When fetching advice from the API, it's a good practice to indicate to users that the app is loading the data.

    • Consider adding a loading state or spinner to provide visual feedback and let users know that the app is working on fetching the advice.

    3. Share Functionality: It would be a great addition to allow users to share the generated advice on social media or through other communication channels.

    • Adding social media sharing buttons or copy-to-clipboard functionality would enhance the app's engagement and allow users to easily share the advice they find meaningful.

    Keep up the good work! Implementing these suggestions will help improve the user experience and overall quality of your advice generator app. 🤩👍

  • @InterestingPlus


    🤩✅ The newsletter signup form you've provided is well-designed and functional. Here are some suggestions to consider:

    • The design of the form is clean, modern, and visually appealing. The color scheme is pleasant and consistent. Great job on that!

    1. Validation and Error Handling: The form provides client-side validation by displaying error messages when required fields are left blank or incorrect email formats are entered.

    • However, it would be helpful to provide more specific error messages to guide users on how to fix the issues. Additionally, server-side validation is also recommended to prevent any potential issues.

    2. Success Message: The success message that appears after submitting the form is clear and well-designed. It provides users with immediate feedback that their submission was successful.

    • However, it would be beneficial to allow users to close the success message manually, rather than having it disappear automatically after a few seconds. This gives users more control and ensures they have enough time to read the message.

    3. Confirmation Email: If your newsletter signup process involves sending a confirmation email, it would be helpful to inform users about this in the success message. This way, they are aware of the next steps and can expect to receive a confirmation email.

    Overall, you've done a great job with the design and functionality of the newsletter signup form. Implementing the suggestions above would further enhance the user experience and make the form more robust. 😃👍

    Marked as helpful

  • @InterestingPlus


    First of all, Great work on creating the Newsletter Sign-up Form!

    It's a valuable component for collecting user information and building a subscriber base. I've reviewed your code and have a few suggestions to enhance the form and improve the user experience. 😃

    Here are some recommendations:

    • Implement client-side form validation to ensure that users enter valid and properly formatted data.
    • You can use HTML5 form validation attributes like required and pattern for basic validation.
    • Additionally, consider adding more robust validation using JavaScript to check for valid email addresses and other criteria.

    I hope this suggestion will be useful for you.

    Marked as helpful
