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    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    Solutions works fine when opened using chrome showing all stars and background wave images, but on netlify it show with no star images and no background. Please help.

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    Struggled with making my buttons to stick to the bottom for equal space when responsive. Again, with buttons when you hover over they have a blackish outline instead of white one{background-color: transparent}.

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    Good day Frontend Mentor Communities

    Any feedbacks will be appreciated. Struggled to use border-radius to the parent container, anyone that would like to check and spot where did I go wrong his/her feedback will be appreciated.

    Thank you.

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    Good day Frontend Mentor community To do this challenge I used pure HTML/CSS. Struggled to use border-radius on the container containing my image-container and card container, therefore I used border-radius on image itself and card-container.

    Solutions on how to do this would be appreciated and how to write a clean code.

    Thank you.