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All comments

  • @Jommartinez


    There is nothing wrong, the only thing, remember that the IDs must be unique and you are repeating them

  • @Jommartinez


    You can use one container 50% width, height 100%. Also image width and heigth 100% with object-fit: cover

  • @Scoro6


    Hey It is my first challenge It is not perfect but I'll love to hear how can I make this perfect. Thanks.



    To be your first challenge it is perfect :) keep it up and you will see that great projects you can develop very soon

  • @Jommartinez


    it's not bad at all. maybe I would correct the accessibility notices to go perfectly :)

  • @Jommartinez


    Hello :) It is very well developed. In the end there are no better or worse solutions. Each developer has a different point of view.

    maybe the hamburger on the menu would put it as a <span> so that you don't get the accessibility error, otherwise everything is ok

  • @Jommartinez


    Its fine, but for the white box you can use the pseudoelement ::after for example: ::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 69px; right: 0; border-top: 25px solid #ffffff; border-left: 25px solid transparent; } (or similar for your solution)

    Marked as helpful

  • @Jommartinez


    It is fine, but I have seen a problem ... If you want to do a search from the input search, it does not work with the keyboard enter. you need to click on the icon. I think it is highly recommended to enable keyboard use :)

  • @GTrialonis


    It took me a very long time to complete to the stage it is now. Some CSS code may not be necessary. Mobile active state not as recommended but working anyway. This is my second web site.



    Oh! To be your second challenge it is very well developed .. Keep it up and with practice it will be very easy to do advanced challenges :)

  • Arun 285



    First time using BEM. How did I go applying the structured naming? It was a little getting used to but in the end I really enjoyed the order it brought to my thought process. Not to mention the potential for reusability.

    I can see that it might be a little overboard for a project of this size and smaller. Is this how others feel or is it applicable to pages of any size?



    From my point of view, BEM is a very good methodology for large projects or small projects that are going to scale over time ... But for small projects, I don't really see it as necessary.

  • @Jommartinez


    You can use the pseudoelement ::after for example: ::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 69px; right: 0; border-top: 25px solid #ffffff; border-left: 25px solid transparent; } (or similar for your solution)
