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  • @Akwatek


    As a newbie, I had a serious challenge in putting my overlay, is there any advice on that? Anticipating your feedbacks.



    Hello, nice work and congratulations for completing this challenge. Some suggestions for better result:

    • To improve the accessibility try to use semantic elements like main element instead of div element.
    • To center your cart try to add this code in the main-card class .main-card{ position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) } or use this code in the body body{ height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } I hope these suggestions help you. all the best and keep and the good work.

    Marked as helpful

  • @yuvy6376


    i dont know why the image of qr code is not showing up !!






    Hello, nice work and congratulations for completing this challenge. Some suggestions for better result:

    • There are two extra div closing tags in your HTML file, please try to remove them.
    • The h1 element can not stay empty without a text content. Try to replace h2 with h1.
    • Add a title in the title element in the head.
    • The background color of the body is hsl(212, 45%, 89%)
    • After changing these try to generate a new report for your project I hope that these suggestions are helpful for you. all the best and keep and the good work.
  • Dovilė 10



    I would be very grateful if someone could take a few minutes to provide feedback on my first Frontend Mentor challenge. Thank you.



    Hello, well done and congratulations for completing this challenge. To remove the ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES in your report try to wrap all the content inside a main element or replace the section element with a main element, then generate a new report. I hope this was helpful. All the best and keep up the nice work.

  • @Khadijarejjaoui99


    Hello, well done and congratulations for completing this challenge. To remove the ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES in your report try to wrap all the content inside a main element, and then generate a new report. I hope this was helpful. All the best and keep up the nice work.

  • @Khadijarejjaoui99


    Hello, you did an amazing job. To remove the ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES in your report try to use h1 instead of h2 to improve the accessibility. Then generate a new report. I hope that this helps you. All the best!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Khadijarejjaoui99


    Hello, nice work.

    • Please use background-repeat: no-repeat to avoid repeating the background.
    • "<img src="/images/icon-arrow.svg" width="10px" alt="">" For width attribute inside the image element we don't use px we simply write 10 if we want 10px

    I hope this helps you! All the best.
