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    The repository is from the challenge made with nextjs since I wanted to learn a bit, but when deploying the front or reflecting the changes, it must be some error with the cache, even if I use "force-dynamic" and {cache: "no-store "} and several configurations that they gave me in the official documentation, but in the end it cannot solve that, I leave you the link of the challenge displayed in vercel, (it does not refresh but it does affect the database)

    If anyone knows how to solve this "small" problem it would be of great help.

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    Hello, the difficulty I had was how can I make vite recognize the static files without having to import them in this case, I had to import the images in the context since I had a problem with the paths try: build: { outDir: 'dist', assetsDir: 'assets'} and with: copy: [ { from: "src/assets", to: "assets", }, but it still didn't work and in the development environment it did work, please if anyone knows I would really appreciate it.

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    App created with react and vite, using the 3 main hooks and styles with sass to be able to use the variables, use the props to be able to give the styles to the buttons, but use the useContext to be able to give the functionality to the app, the correct thing should be It would have been to use the context for everything, but since I'm practicing, my biggest question is to know if there is another way to give the styles to the buttons in a more optimal way

  • Submitted

    simple dashboard adapted to all mobile devices

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    simple dashboard, made with HTML, SASS and JS, using VITE to get the static files, css grid to be able to make 4 views, and vanilla js to be able to change the data, does anyone know what is the best way to be able to change only the values that are required, in this case there were only 2 data per card.

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    Landing page with Bootstrap, to be able to customize it, create another sass file and import it from the bootstrap sass so that they will be compiled together in the same main.css, is this the best way to do it?, how do I remove the outline or border from the hamburger menu?

  • Submitted

    the drop-down menu in this case to animate it use the clip path property, it seems to me a good effect, what I could not do is that the image remains as in the sample, I used it as a background but it does not convince me, it would be better to do it as an image ?

  • Submitted

    random tip generator, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, API

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    I use fetch to make the request, and draw, in this case I only handle an error that is when there is no connection, what could be another error in this challenge?

  • Submitted

    the bars are generated dynamically, use a rule of 3 to be able to give a relative size to all of them and a unique style to the largest one, I had an inconvenience when showing the label on the hover of each bar, I don't know if it is the best way to do, in this case I did it with JS but I think it could be done better with CSS

  • Submitted

    In this challenge I wanted to make the content flexible, since in the previous ones that I had done there were only two resolutions and surfing the internet I realized that you don't see that much, so I started testing and well I realized the functionalities by max-width

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    Hello, what has been difficult for me in this project are the practices, and to know if I am using the BEM methodology well, and about the response, is it better to leave it like this with two static resolutions, or to leave it flexible with the boxes? I did it both ways but I uploaded this one, any comment would be appreciated.