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All comments

  • @DanCodeCraft


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    This challenge is an interesting one, but can be overwhelming if starting the desktop version first. I'd suggest using the desktop design for the HTML, and move to a mobile-first approach for the CSS.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The biggest challenge in this one is to make the grid change its layout depending on the size of the screen.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?


    Timic Ivey 300



    Your solution for this project looks amazing! Flows nicely.

  • Timic Ivey 300



    hey Delteuz, this solution looks great. Feedback I have is that you can add 2 background images by adding a ' , ' in between the 2 urls. Can also add a background positioning of top left, bottom right. Keep up the grind!

    Marked as helpful

  • Ryan 40



    How can I fix that empty space in Kira's box? Increasing the font-size isn't a good idea, and I ran out of them. Is there a solution?

    Timic Ivey 300



    For me I had more margin in between the header and the paragraph of the kira testimonial and some line-height to put space between the sentences a little bit. I made mines 2rem. Also if you want to center your entire container into the middle of the page try adding these body{ height: 100vh, display: flex, justify-content: center, align-items: center}
