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  • Mohireza• 100



    So uh, did you make a mobile layout too? Because I get the desktop layout when I open your preview with my phone.

    If you have, then consider merging both layouts in one single code base and if you haven't, then just make a mobile layout because that's a part of the challenge.

    Marked as helpful

  • Nguyen Nguyen• 340



    This challenge was a little tough for me. I have a few questions:

    1. How can I make my code more clean and efficient?

    2. I use rem and px mixed up, it seems unorganized for me. Any suggestions?

    3. I used border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, etc... Because in this challenge, the rounded corners change in mobile and desktop view. Better way to set the border-radius?

    Any other feedbacks and suggestions are welcome as well. I'd love to learn. Thank you! :D

    Mohireza• 100



    Hey, I just wanted to thank you for this great solution! I learned a lot from your code, and I feel like it's just the refined version of every solution here. Thank you!

  • Mohireza• 100



    Before solving these challenges, you need to be familiar with both flexbox and grids. I suggest that you learn flexbox using Flexbox Froggy and then maybe use flex for centering stuff in your pages.

    You can also learn about girds (the people behind Froggy have a grids tutorial, too), which are, in my opinion, essential to designing any webpage.
