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    1- In this project I used a new directory structure where all files related to a component are grouped togather which is dependent on existence of webpack loaders to process each of these assets. One of advantages fo using this pattern is that the component becomes more and easer to resue since you can do simple component an past if you want to use these component in other projects.


    2- As the size of a project grows you end up doing import of type import foo from "../../../components/componentName/component" which is a mothful to type, a elegant solution to this problem is to use aliases, in webpack config you can add:

    module.exports ={
        Components: path.resolve(__dirname,"src/components")

    And instead of that long string you type js import foo from "Components/foo/foo.js". In in a small project this might not be a headache but as the project grows alises can save you alot of redundant typing.

    3- Using react's property validation feature you can validate props of each component to make sure it has the right type, one major benefits of doing property validation is that debugging becomes much easier since react flags the presence of wrong prop type.You need to install the "prop-types" npm package and the syntax is:

    Component.prototype = {
      propName: PropTypes.tpye
      propName1: PropTypes.type.isRequired

    Happy coding :=)

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    Any idea, suggestion or thoughts about the following question are deeply appreciated.

    • What is a good project structure for middle to large size react projects ?
    • Beside the syntactical differece between ES6 and common js import statements is there any other differeces between them ?
    • when implementing the slider I used the opacity to transition the slides but from an accessibility point of view this is not satisfactory because the elements still exists in document flow and occupies place but it's not visible. Usage of element{ display:none;} generates the proper behavior in document flow but does not allow animations, how would you solve this ?
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    • Basic understading of how webpack works and how it's used. In this project I used a three different files for two configuration modes which are:
      • webpack.common.js, captures the common setting between the two different modes that webpack has to avoid redundancey (Dry code).
      •, development settings.
      • development setting whose main difference from production setting is a set of optimization like minification and uglyfing for efficiency.
    • How important it is that all the movements of components in an UI mimice the movements in the natural world instead of sudden and spantaneous movements, for instance imagine some components that gradually comes into view rather than just appearing out of nowhere and in short span of time like nano seconds.
    • Developing a proper rutine for planning before starting writing code and trying to get good grasp on what are you building by asking a tons of qestions regarding each component.

    It's been while since my last projcet but I would love to hear any kind of thought/feedback that you might wanna share. Happy coding :=)

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    1- Before this challenge the built tool that I used was parcel which is a module bundler with zero confgration but for this projcet I used webpack is the toatal opposite of parcel when is comes to configuation. While you could use default configuration which can save you alot of time I wanted to learn the inner working of webpack and configuring it for this project give a good grasp on basics like loader and entry files. I hade some issue making the HMR(Hot module replacement) work of htm file but it will make a good challenge for the next project.

    2- Being stratigiec about the way you import partials or functions in different namespaces can save you alot of typing/time. For instance if you use something like a function that converts pixel value to rem values you can import it once in you main entry file instead of importing is in each partial or having to use a namespace.

      padding: rem(a value)

    3- Commit history is really valuable asset for debugging purposes and a bunch of other reason therefore creating a logical and descriptive one is important. A bad practice is to only use none-specific commit messages like "added some styles". A much better commit message has the following structure:

      2- Body:
        1- what have you changed or added?
        2- the purpose of change
        3- dangers 

    1- When content of a contaienr changes dynamically you have to acount for that when you writing styles for that contaienr. For instance if you set the content of each timer__box to a four or more digit number the content overflow. This problem could be migtigated using relative units like em.

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    1-Doing this project I learned how to change hover state to svg icon by defining an external svg file with desired behaviors and then applying it to the svg icon's hover state.

    element {
      filter : url("loaction of the external svg file")

    2- Revealing module pattern is really neat way to structure code. This pattern gives you the ability to create seperate namespaces for each different components and thus the benefit of not polluting the global namespace. Another advantage with this pattern is that it gives the ability to create a public api in witch you expose the peaces of the fucntionality you want and keep the rest private.It's also fexiable and can be modified to not be an IFEE which makes possible to create new instances of the module.

    YourModule = (function(){})() 
    YourModule = function(){}

    3- Intersection API is a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with a ancestor element or if not specified the top-level document's viewport.This API allows to implenent features such as infinite scroll, srcoll on view and lazy loading of images to name a few. In this porject I scratched the surface of what this API can do by implementing partial scroll on view.

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    I Love to hear any thoughts and ideas about this solution that you might wanna share.

    Keep coding :=)

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    Hi guys, here is my solution to this one, I quite satisfied with how I animated the messages. Take look and let me know if you've any thoughts you might wanna share.

    Keep coding :=)

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    1- In order to implement the drap and drop functionality I had to use the drag and drop API. 2- During this project I improved my knowledge about OOP 3- How to utilize extral libraries for repetive and common tasks, for instace I used a external library for animation. 4- How to implement a modal, althought this wasn't in project spec it made sense to allow the user to control a basic set of configurations such background color.

    No specific question but I would love to hear you thoughts about my solution.

    Keep coding :=)

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    Hi guys, this one toke a bit more time than I expected but I glad to be have completed it. I added some features not specified in spec and any though that you might wanna share is deeply valued and appriciated.

    The things I learned:

    1- Following a style guide that clearly defines how you approach all stylistic aspects of writing code such as commenting. This practise is highly beneficial and advantageous though is helps to improv the readability and reduce the difficulty of maintanance. For example when is commes to writing css, I usally use 7-1 file architecture and including a file with overview of what each folder contains and how it functions helps others to get a grasp of it much easily.

    2- Object-oriented programmering is great way to split a UI into seperate functioning object. This approach of writing js code allows you to keep your code much more structured origanized. In this project I tried this approach mixed with the observer pettarn and I am quite happy with the implementation but I am also aware of the fact the there is alot of room for improvment. This project was an intro to OOP in js for me.

    3- In This project I learned the basics of how to use API in js and asynchronous js. For this project I used the native fetch method but I am looking forward to learn a lot more about APIs and how to consum them. The API used in the project required authentication and for securing my authentiaction key I used the npm package.

    4- Parcel is "blazing" fast application bunder and in this project I used it for optimizing and minification. For small projects like this parcel is great tool that requires almost zero configuration in contrast to webpack.

    5- Design patterns such as observer pattern and subpub are really powerful and can help you write much more modular code. For instance in this project I got fimiliar to basic usage of subpub and tried to implement this project based on it but I faced problems that related to asychrounous operations and instead switched to the observer pattern. I am looking forward to learn more about design patterns.

    Keep coding :=)

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    Hi guys, I built this one using reat, it took much more time than I expected mainly because whenever you get you hands dirty with a new piece of tech there are a infinete about of questions you need to find good answers for. For instance structuring the project, I would really apperiate if you guys who are a bit more exprienced with react share some thoughts on this how you go about structuring.

    I feel that a learned a ton doing this one and I also identified a bunch of things that I need to imporve. Beside the bg-pattern not showing on dektop view I'd be glad to hear any thoughts and qestions about my solution.

    Keep coding :)

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    Hi guys, I learned quite a few new thing doing this one( see the repo for more). No qestions come to mind directly but as always I would love to hear any thoughts you wanna share.

    Keep coding :).

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    Hi, here is my solution to this challenge, The things learned doing this project:

    1.That the behavior of z-index property is dependent on the positioning of the element and if specific styles such as trasnform are applied to the element.

    2.How to use pictur tag to create responsive images.

    3.Usage of object-fit property which is used to corp images.

    4.A basic understanding of how and when to use css animation, For example I learned that css animation should be avoided on the mobile screen if possible because it hurts the performance of a site and uses a huge amount of bandwidth.

    1. How to write much more modular and organized styles using the @use, @forward and 7-1 architecture pattern.

    6.How to write more accessible markup throught the usage of aria-label and aria-hidden attributes.

    7.Creating accessible icons.

    I would love to hear your thoughts,comments and qestions about any aspect of my solution.

    Happy coding :)

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    Hi Gays, here is my solution to this one, any thoughts that you wanna share about my solution or the following qestions is deeply appreciated.

    1. How do you implement your container for cetering content and what is the thanking behind it ?

    2. Is my project structure corrcet, what project structure would you use for this one ?

    3. Since larger projects are really time consuming using reusable components help a geat deal, what resuable components do you use in your project ?

    4. In many satuations there are a bunch of ways to achive the same thing, how do you navigate this situations ?

    5. How do go about defining you breakpoints ?

    Keep coding :)

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    Here is my solution to this one, I not totally satisfied althought it looks ok. Any thoughts about my solution that you wanna share are deeply appreciated.

    Keep coding :)

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    This one toke a bit more time than I expected but this happens always. I would really appreciate it if you share your toughts about any of the following qestion.

    1. I dicided to exclude the hero section from the main, is doing so in any inappropriate or bad practice ?

    2. Should all the typografi for components be written in the same file as for the rest of the page ?

    3. In the testimonials section, the first testimonial has quoate icon on top of it the needs to be partially underneth the testimonial, I tried with z-index but for some mystrious reason it didn't work, how can it be fixed ?

    4. What tool do you use for measuring font-size in you projects ?

    5. You guys who always get the measurment aspect of the design right, I would appreciate if you share some of your tips/tricks.

    Happy coding :)

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    I would love to hear what you think about the following aspect of my solution.

    1. Do you see BEM being missused in any place ?
    2. Are my modifiers proper ?

    Happy coding :)

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    Hi here is my solution to this one, I struggled to get the right positioning for the image. I would love to hear you thought about it. I be thankful if you take the following question in mind when you look at the code.

    1. How would you position the image ?
    2. Is the naming of my markup good (conveys its meaning) ?

    Any other tips and tricks that you wanna share is deeply appreciated. Happy coding :)

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    Here is my solution to this one, there a bunch of things that I could've done better foremost the react components but this is my first time using it. I'll be glad to hear your thoughts about it.

    Happy coding :)

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    Any feedback appreciated in general and specially regarding the following qestions.

    1. What is you though process when you create mixins ?
    2. Have I done good job following the mobile first workdflow ?
    3. Would write the markup the same way, if not what would do differently(I pleased if you also explain why) ?

    Happy coding ?

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    Hi folks, I not really satisfied with this one because the code is a bit messy but I 'll make the next one cleaner. I would be glad to hear you thoughts about the following questions.

    1. Usage of BEM and how it could be improved ?
    2. Is it ok to use more the one modifier on a block ?
    3. Should the logo in the footer be pure css becuase I coundn't find any svg for it project files ?

    Happy coding :)

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    Hi guys, quite a fun challange, It would be appreciated if you answer some of the following question.

    1. This is my first time applying the mobile frist workflow, do you see any redundency ?
    2. How is the usage of BEM and have I used wrongly in any place ?
    3. Would you suggest a more modular approach twords scss even if the project is small ?
    4. Is the HTML semantic ?
    5. If you were to do this using only HTML and CSS how would write the conditionals ?

    Happy coding :)

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    This is my second time using the grid. I would really appreciate it if you take the time to answer some of the following question.

    1. How the usage of BEM could be improved ?
    2. Would you implement the image in the same way ?

    Happy coding.

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    This is my first time using the grid. I struggled a litte bit to get the layout right. It would really be appreciated if you take the time to answer some the following qestion.

    How can the container be centered ? Do I really need to use to subgrids for the layout or would suggest grid-area ? Do you see anything that can be improved ? Any tips on resources or ways that I use to improve my understanding of the grid ?