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All comments

  • @NPM0486


    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    • Read about how to add text to a page to make it as accessible as possible.

    • 📚Text Content

    "What we know is just a drop. What we don't know is a whole ocean." - Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • @NPM0486


    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    • I see you have a problem with customization for phones. If using media is difficult for you try first making a site customized for telephenes and then use media to customize your site for wider screens.

    • You use flex to create the main structure of the page and grid to position the content. In my opinion, it's worth trying the other way around.

    "What we know is just a drop. What we don't know is a whole ocean." - Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • @NPM0486


    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    "What we know is just a drop. What we don't know is a whole ocean." - Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • @NPM0486


    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    • You can better understand css and grid by looking at the materials below.
    1. 📗flex
    2. 📘grid
    3. 📒flex game
    4. 📕grid game

    "What we know is just a drop. What we don't know is a whole ocean." - Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • veviem 10



    This might have been super easy for some people, but since I've been getting into programming only the last few weeks (thought it was complete wizardry before starting out) it took me faaaaaar too long to figure out how to position and, not to mention, center stuff. Next time I'll be a lot faster I hope and not have to look up literally everything. Still not sure if I did anything right or even uploaded it right. However I am proud I gave it a try and everyone's got to start somewhere so this is me starting out.



    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    • I see that you wanted to center the whole thing using the margin. Try using flex or grid. Here you have helpful documentation.
    1. 📗flex
    2. 📘grid
    • For example, like this:
    .your-container {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        height: 100vh;

    "What we know is just a drop. What we don't know is a whole ocean." - Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • @NPM0486


    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    • To make your code more semantic you can enclose the whole thing in the main tag. You can find more such tags 👉here

    • I see that you wanted to center the whole thing using the margin. Try using flex or grid. Here you have helpful documentation.

    1. 📗flex
    2. 📘grid
    • For example, like this:
    main {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        height: 100vh;

    "What we know is just a drop. What we don't know is a whole ocean." - Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • Nnanna 50



    Really want to learn as only just started

    Any advice/tips are appreciated



    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    • I see that you didn't add the font that was available in the information added to the challenge. To add the font you need to:
    1. open the link provided in the documentation
    2. select the appropriate thicknesses that you are interested in/are given in the documentation.
    3. a panel will appear on the right side along with two code snippets.
    4. you paste the <link> codes in the head in html.
    5. you use the font family code in css
    • I see that you wanted to center the whole thing using the margin. Try using flex or grid. Here you have helpful documentation.
    1. 📙flex
    2. 📘grid
    • For example, like this:
    main {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        align-items: center;
        height: 100vh;

    "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean." ~Isaac Newton

    Have fun coding!🎇

    Marked as helpful

  • @NPM0486


    👋Hi, you did a great job with this challenge!

    I have some hints that you might find useful.👀

    1. To fix the hover on the button you need to remove the space bar.

    By adding a space here you are saying "If one of the button's children has a hover change the background color".

    You can read about it here.

    1. To better understand grid and flex I throw up some materials that can help you with this.

    Have fun coding!

    Marked as helpful
