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    The footer part was by far the trickiest - and since I haven't fully recovered from the sickness yet, I made a lazy version instead which still looks fine (to me at least) xD.

    Let me know what else I can do with the solution as always. Thanks everyone!

  • Submitted

    A decent attempt that would get me back to coding after a few days of sickness.

    Still have a few todos for this one for sure in order to match the design.

    Otherwise, let me know what else I can improve as always! Thanks guys.

  • Submitted

    This is a tough challenge if you really want to test how you can layout things on a website, and then make it responsive in smaller widths/screens. It took me quite a bit of time, and yeah I am pretty satisfied with the result - obviously can't match the design 100% though.

  • Submitted

    Responsive designs for this challenge is pretty fun to work with I have to say.

    Apart from that, still have a few to-dos left for this one:

    • Create a proper email input and button.
    • Do a proper JS validation implement.

    Let me know what else I can improve for this one as well, guys! Thanks!

  • Submitted

    It's pretty difficult for me to try matching the design for this one, apparently. Apart from that, it was a fun challenge for sure!

  • Submitted

    I'm not sure if this is the best implementation for the CSS styling code - eyeballing the design image can only do so much within my limits tbh. Otherwise, quite satisfied with this challenge!

    EDIT: Just made some CSS styling changes. Should be better to preview :D

  • Submitted

    Not too much to say for this one, apart from utilizing the grid system correctly should be the most difficult thing for me - and of course manipulating the CSS properties for responsive designs as well!

  • Submitted

    Took me a while to figure out how to implement the grid solution correctly, thankfully there are tools on the internet that can help me out with that!

    Overall I am quite satisfied with this challenge xD

  • Submitted

    I am fairly sure that there are better ways to handle the email notification form - at least compares to what I did here, it was pretty bad I have to admit.

    Please let me know how you guys tackle it, thanks!

  • Submitted

    This one is tough for me, handling the grid system with the least amount of code possible and without the design file.

    Thanks to HTML5, we can validate inputs without JavaScript - which is super nice! I guess I still need to implement JavaScript for the Claim trial button I guess?

    Please let me know what I can improve with this one - guys, thanks as always!

  • Submitted

    Really enjoyed this one, to be honest. Good practice for myself to optimize CSS codes - I guess I can still better optimize it by introducing even more variables with SCSS/SASS later on.

    Please let me know what else I can improve with this one, thank you, guys!

  • Submitted

    The HTML + CSS part was quite satisfying for me - as I feel like the submitted solutions so far from here have helped me tremendously in that area.

    However, I am currently stuck on implementing the Share function properly - I thought about using Bootstrap (but it overwrites my CSS) or pure JavaScript (I was able to click on the Share icon to toggle show/hide the social media component - but handling it was a bit hard, like to show it up without clashing other parts appropriately).

    Would love to know some suggestions/pointers from you guys. Thanks!

  • Submitted

    I feel quite satisfied with this challenge, after completing this one I will utilize what I've been able to do and modify the previous challenges that I've done before here. Please let me know if there is any room for improvement for this one as always!

  • Submitted

    I guess the only issue I have so far is to create that subtle white border around the avatar, otherwise, I am quite satisfied with the solution I did. Please let me know what else I can improve, thanks!

  • Submitted

    I think I did my best within a rather short time limit that I force on myself. Could have definitely improve the pricing component/section for sure (my initial idea is to use more flexbox containers within in and try to space accordingly with the Change text). I guess I am satisfied with this for now. Please let me know if there are anything I can improve, as always!

  • Submitted

    It was pretty cool learning about how to handle responsive designs for me personally.

    I have a few things that I need to fix/clarify though:

    • Is there a way that I can use variables for font-family like with colors?
    • I have no idea how I can move the product image to the top once the media query is changed to the width I initially set
    • I couldn't get the button to work correctly either.

    Thanks everyone!

  • Submitted

    Some of the easier CSS styles that I couldn't figure out right away - took me longer than I initally expected!