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  • Mileenka• 80



    Hey guys,

    Please check my code. :) I will be very grateful for every valuable comment. Have a great day today.


    Shady Omar• 950



    Hello, Good job on completing this challenge !!

    My advice here is to use display: flex; to horizontally center your avatar instead of using margin property for better accuracy as you see the image it not well centered.

    Other than that all seems good, Hope this helps

    keep going, Enjoy coding !!

  • gcWDev• 20



    My main question is:

    What do you guys do when you get stuck ? I for example got pretty stuck on the overlay component for when the image is hovered over. I simply copy pasted a solution I knew would work from stack overflow and just left it there. What can I do to turn that into a learning experience and how would you guys approach a similar problem.

    Shady Omar• 950



    Hello gcWDev,

    Good job on this challenge, But here is a tip to show the images of this design while using GitHub pages

    = change the src attribute of the img tag from src="/images/image-equilibrium.jpg" to src="images/image-equilibrium.jpg"

    = Also the change avatar image src attribute from src="/images/image-avatar.png" to src="images/image-avatar.png"

    Hope this helps.

    Marked as helpful

  • Shady Omar• 950



    Hello Kevin,

    Nice work on this challenge, But here is a tip to show your QR code image while using GitHub pages

    = change the src attribute of the img tag to src="images/image-qr-code.png" instead of the src="../images/image-qr-code.png"

    Hope this helps.

    Marked as helpful

  • Shady Omar• 950



    The result is great, But as for your HTML, I think you should use <div> tag more often instead of using <section> tag,

    <section> tag is more used as to include all <div> tags in it, but not include sections inside sections,

    I hope this helps.
