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    When the style guide gives widths ('the designs were created to the following widths: mobile: 375px desktop:1440px'), do you take that to mean max-width? min-width? Responsiveness only occurs at those widths? How do you interpret that? I interpreted it as a max-width for both mobile version and desktop but I started the desktop layout starting at 900px. Thoughts or opinions?

  • Submitted

    I have a ton of questions!

    1. I started this project by sectioning off and styling with only divs. That worked fine on the small-screen, but I couldn't figure it out on the desktop version. Using display:grid was much easier. How would I do it if I wanted to stick with just divs?

    2. What is the difference between the desktop-design.jpg and the desktop-preview.jpg?

    3. I considered using h1, h2, p tags to set up the sections, but I remember an accessibility tutorial said screen readers use those to kind of summarize a page and I wasn't sure if that was applicable here, so I just styled <p> tags. Thoughts on that?

    4. I felt like the opacity of the paragraphs was different than what I styled, but is that maybe just a difference in colors?

    5. Finally!- In the Why Us section, I originally set it up as a ul, but then changed it to using <br>. Is one way preferred over the other? Or is there a different preferred way to do this?