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All comments

  • yusuf akılevi• 220



    Pushing the project into the terminal was very difficult. In fact, I couldn't do it by using the terminal, I uploaded manually by dragging the files. I keep getting an authentication error from GitHub and I couldn't solve it.

    Alberth Ruado• 580



    I recommend that you use Github Desktop instead, since you don't have to type the git command and it is easy to use.

    Here is where you can download it:

  • lehoanghai9• 40



    This is my second React project, but the first one that was functionally heavy. Learned a lot about how to use and manipulate different React elements and components. Started learning programming a month ago, so there was definitely a steep learning curve, but it was exciting to see the progress I made with each step. One of the biggest challenges was figuring out how to efficiently update the game state and re-render the board after each move. I also had to learn how to incorporate animations into the game, which was a new and interesting experience.

    This project was a great opportunity for me to gain more experience with React and improve my programming skills. It also helped me understand the importance of breaking down a problem into smaller, manageable tasks and utilizing external resources like documentation and videos to help guide the process. With each project, I feel more confident in my abilities and look forward to tackling more complex challenges in the future.

    Responsive Connect 4 Game



    Alberth Ruado• 580



    I hope you also add selection with player vs computer it would be more fun 😊.

    Marked as helpful

  • Alberth Ruado• 580



    I recommend, sir, that instead of using two <img /> tags for the web 3.0 illustration, use <picture /> tag, you can achieve both mobile and desktop design for the web 3.0 illustration.

    Here is some useful information for picture tags:

    MDN :

    w3schools :

    Marked as helpful
