No specific questions about this one. All feedback is appreciated!

Alex Kim
@alex-kim-devAll comments
- @RikvanderSarSubmitted over 3 years ago@alex-kim-devPosted over 3 years ago
About that overflow / hamburger menu issue, right now you're applying
overflow-x: hidden;
to every element using universal selector. This is kind of radical approach, some elements might still require the default overflow to be displayed properly. I think we should be more precise with that. The navigation menu hasposition: absolute
, and the closest positioned ancestor element is.container
- so the menu is positioned relative to the.container
. Applyingoverflow-x: hidden
to this element will fix both issues. (And don't forget to remove overflow from everything).Great job on this challenge 🎉
Marked as helpful1 - @dannzdevSubmitted over 3 years ago
I would like any feedback if its possible good or bad. I'm good taking feedback to grow. I just wanted to learn and be better. Hope you like it. Please feedback!
@alex-kim-devPosted over 3 years agoHi Daniel, good job on this challenge! I've been looking through it and here's what I want to mention:
- it's not necessary to wrap every image in a
element, it's required when you need to add a caption to it:
<figure> <img src="elephant.jpg" alt="Elephant at sunset"> <figcaption>An elephant at sunset</figcaption> </figure>
- the
attribute with description must be present on images, it helps screen reader users and displays on the screen if an image isn't loaded - the margins of body and main elements collapsing, resulting in weird body positioning (with an offset on the top). There's a great post on the topic
- the
element already has semantics,role="main"
is not necessary - use either
, but don't mix both like<a role="button">
Good luck!
Marked as helpful1 - it's not necessary to wrap every image in a
- @tlbodrickSubmitted over 3 years ago
For some reason, the cards resize randomly when changing the window size and I can't figure out why.
@alex-kim-devPosted over 3 years agoHey Tamera, the cards resize vertically because the height of their content changes, as you resize the window. It's possible to make them of the same height if we apply
align-items: stretch
to their flex container, but then we should make some other changes:/* 750px+ */ .main-component { margin: auto; display: flex; flex-direction: row; /* row is the default value, can remove this */ justify-content: center; /* doesn't do anything in this case */ align-items: stretch; /* change center to stretch, it's the default, so we can remove it too */ max-width: 920px; } .main-component { margin: 0 1.563em; height: 100vh; /* to remove, we want the height of our cards to be auto */ }
The cards are ready, now we need to center the whole component on the screen
body { height: 100vh; /* make body full screen */ display: flex; /* now the .main-component auto centers, because it has margin: auto */ margin: 0; /* remove the default margin so we don't get vertical scroll */ }
That's it, good luck & have fun on the next challenge!
Marked as helpful0 - P@tedikoSubmitted over 3 years ago
This is an invoicing application build with ReactJS and styled-components. The application is used to manage invoices and allows the user to create, read, update, filter by status and delete invoices. There is an option in the app to switch between a dark and a light theme. All transitions are smoothly displayed by using Framer Motion library to create animations. It was by far the largest and most comprehensive project I have done so far. It showed me how important it is to plan so that you don't have to change things that previously worked well in the middle of the project. A valuable lesson!
- The first time I used
hook to manage application state. I noticed that my state logic getting more complex as the few elements of my state relies on the value of another element of my state. Read More - Together with useReducer, the
hook turned out to be handy. It allowed me to create common data that can be accessed throughout the component hierarchy without passing the props down manually to each level which in turn allowed me to avoid Prop drilling (also called "threading") that is the process you have to go through to get data to parts of the React Component tree. Read More(1). Read More(2) - In order to create a theme switcher and provide colors for components I used styled-components
wrapper component. By leveraging the theme provider I only need to write my styles in one single object and invoke them in any component that is a descendant of that provider. Read More - When creating the form I learned what Controlled Component is. In HTML, form elements such as
, and<select>
typically maintain their own state and update it based on user input. In React, mutable state is typically kept in the state property of components, and only updated withsetState()
. Then the React component that renders a form also controls what happens in that form on subsequent user input. Read More - To make application more
ADA compliant
(which means the website should be entirely accessible using just keyboard) I prevent focus go outside the modal once the modal is opened. In this case, the focus trap turns on when the form or modal with invoice deletion/status change is opened. In order to create an accessible modal I followed this great tutorial that follow the WAI-ARIA Practices. - To animate the pages transitions and modals I used Framer Motion API. Framer Motion is an open source, production-ready library that's designed for creating creative animations. In order to support users who have enabled their device’s Reduced Motion setting and make accessible animations I used
hook. Based on whetheruseReducedMotion
or not we're passing different values toanimate
. That replace position transitions with opacity. Read More(1). Read More(2) - Handle 404 routes in React Router and provide a fallback component for displaying an imfamous
404 Page Not Found
error to the user. Try to enter a page that doesn't exist - like ''
You can find more about the things I used in the project in the README on github. I just wanted to point out most important things here.
- As I am changing the theme and many colors are changing, I wasn't sure how to make the color system. I end up with object for dark/light theme with colors of each element and a few colors that are common. How would you approach that?
- I didn't want to create a special component for my headings since they have no logic. I created helper utility called typographyStyles where I put all styles that I use across application. Not sure about that tho.
- I am curious what method you use to name your components. I personally stick to option #2 because it has the most pros for me and a little longer import doesn't bother me.
- Clicking twice quickly on header logo (navigate to home page, which render Invoices component) causes component not to render. I am convinced that this is related to Framer Motion and
that allows components to animate out when they're removed from the React tree. I think build in isPresent state when clicking twice quickly didn't change the state. I overcame this problem with simpleevent.preventDefault()
with asetTimeout
function but..
Additional feedback or a criticism will be appreciated Thanks! 😁!
@alex-kim-devPosted over 3 years agoAwesome job, Tediko! I see you put a lot of effort into this project. I like that everything is well organized, files, code, commits, it's really easy to navigate through and find out how things are connected to each other. And great job on writing readme! Here is some feedback:
- animation feels slow, I would adjust duration to be around 200-300 ms
- accessing local storage might throw errors in some cases, for example if a user turned off all cookies in Chrome, some older browsers might throw even if only third-party cookies are blocked. So It's a good practice to wrap it in a try-catch block
- there are a few places with a lot of nested if-else statements, like in
. That's increasing cyclomatic complexity and makes code hard to understand, especially for people not familiar with the codebase. Try to avoid nesting conditions. Ideally it should look like this:
() => { if (conditionA) return value1; // the following code will be executed only if(!conditionA) if (conditionB) return value2; // the following code will be executed only if(!conditionA && !conditionB) return value4; }
- would be nice to work a bit on loading performance. I had DOMContentLoaded: 1.99s on fast connection and 5.32s on simulated "fast 3G".
Good luck and until the next awesome project!
Marked as helpful3 - The first time I used
- @die-lowenkoniginSubmitted over 3 years ago
Hi all, please checkout my submitted solution. It will be a pleasure to know your perspective, experiences, etc. when developing a website.
Feel free to comment on:
- suggestion to better solutions (or avoid using 'hacks' :D)
- some nit-picks to a more beautiful and responsive front-end design
- development cycle used for faster and efficient process of building a website.
- other advice related to this challenge
Challenges encountered:
Border Radius. I used a hacky way to do it. Please see the live site > scss > media queries > border-radius.
Sticky Footer. I used a hacky way to do this. (please see live site > html)
- from html, I added class of h-100.
- from body, class="d-flex flex-column h-100"
- from main, I class="flex-shrink-0"
- from footer, I used container class inside the tag
- I do not have the same background as the one in the challenge. The repository that I downloaded does not have a background image included.
@alex-kim-devPosted over 3 years agoHey! A little suggestion on the
. Do you know you can apply it only to the container along withoverflow: hidden
so it cuts the pointy angles of container's children? You can use it for larger screens, and for mobile just set the radius to 0.Also you can use Codepen's full page view link to make a nicer screenshot, however it's still going to mess up the a11y/html report.
Nice job overall and have fun coding!
Marked as helpful1 - @Juveria-DalviSubmitted over 3 years ago
Not perfect but still trying to improve , I would like to know if I made any mistake in my code feel free to give your suggestion's. Thank You..
@alex-kim-devPosted over 3 years agoI'd suggest relying more on box model (margin, padding, borders, width) and normal flow than applying
position: absolute
(and thus creating more flows). Probably this is what's caused the issue. Good luck! 👋Marked as helpful1 - @emestabilloSubmitted over 4 years ago
The side-by-side layout for medium devices looked awkward for me so I opted to stick with the stacked design. What's everyone's take on the tablet layout for this project?
For devices with <667px height --> I couldn't get it to work unless I use absolute positioning. Does it make sense to still cover these devices? (Please be nice) Thanks for the feedback!
@alex-kim-devPosted over 4 years agoWhat's everyone's take on the tablet layout for this project?
I do basically the same as you did - leave the 1 column layout and give it
to prevent content (especially text) getting too wide + centering1 - @emestabilloSubmitted almost 5 years ago
I'm thinking this solution could be more elegant, maybe using themes in css. I'd appreciate any feedback thank you :-)
@alex-kim-devPosted over 4 years agoYeah, the css variables are very helpful for this kind of purpose. The alternative set of color variables could be used with a selector that targets the
state of the switch, eliminating the need to use JS for theme changing.2 - @zuolizhuSubmitted over 4 years ago
Feedbacks are super welcome!
Almost pixel perfect 😆.
@alex-kim-devPosted over 4 years agoHi Connor, I've been inspecting some of your solutions and I think you're doing a great job! I like the visual accuracy and how the code is organized. There's one thing that I spotted - some BEM elements which are nested inside other elements have this type of naming:
. However it's not recommended in the BEM documentation (Guidelines for using elements - nesting). So instead of a markup like this:// pug nav.desk-nav ul.desk-nav__menu li.desk-nav__menu__item .desk-nav__menu__item__underline
it's recommended to do it this way:
// pug nav.desk-nav ul.desk-nav__menu li.desk-nav__item .desk-nav__underline
Also I've noticed you have a lot of solutions using Svelte, so when I'll be trying it out I'll definitely come back to them and learn. Have a good one!
2 - @mubaraqwahabSubmitted over 4 years ago
Feedbacks are welcome, especially on the accessibility. Thanks.
@alex-kim-devPosted over 4 years agoHey Mubaraq, great solution! Here are some of my thoughts:
- I would use
instead of adding a span with.visually-hidden
on the buttons, your solution works perfectly though, so that's just a preference; - I would add a visually hidden
element + wrap the paragraph above into alabel
for that meter, just to be sure that assistive technology will announce this part.
Good luck and have fun making the next one!
3 - I would use
- @emestabilloSubmitted over 4 years ago
This was a true test in writing responsive code. Would appreciate your thoughts. Many thanks to my mentor @shahsilo for helping me get really close to the design!
@alex-kim-devPosted over 4 years agoHey Emmilie! That's a really fantastic work! Your solution is pretty accurate compared to the design. Also I like how you structured your SASS - very convenient and simple. I honestly don't know what can be improved, but here is a little hint on using media queries in sass. I noticed you often write
@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {}
. We can cut a little code here by defining mixins:// mdUp means for medium screens (992px) and higher @mixin mdUp { @media screen and (min-width: 992px) { @content; } }
then we can use it like so:
.class { padding: 1rem; @include mdUp { padding: 1.5rem; } }
And that's it. Good luck and I'll see your next project!
3 - @king-qaisSubmitted over 4 years ago
I might have a little issue making it responsive on mobile. Somehow there is less margin on the right side when viewing on mobile. Also whenever you open it mobile, the website appears slightly zoomed in.
@alex-kim-devPosted over 4 years agoHello, the reason for this is that the cards have fixed width of 350px. If you open the page on 375px wide screen the total width (card + margin & padding) will exceed that limit, and the page will have a horizontal scroll. Typically the mobile layout is made using
width: 100%;
to make sure it's always full width.0