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  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Well done Harold, looks good and is responsive.

    Design Feedback:

    • the styling for your btn-trial is better applied to your anchor tag inside. If you need to make the anchor tag behave like a div. Add display: block to your link. Currently the only section that is clickable is the text. If clicking on the purple background nothing happens.
    • add a focus style to your form submit. At the moment I can't see any visual cue when I tab to it.
    • the "Terms and Services" usually would redirect a user to a separate page. Anchor tag with a hover state is recommended

    Javascript Feedback:

    • There's two classes you toggle between in your form but I don't see any styling for .valid and .invalid, could be removed.

    • Add an event listener using the "submit" event instead of the onclick=validate. So when the form fails validation you can stop the form from submitting.

    form.addEventListender("submit", validateForm);
    function validateForm(event) {
    • For the error styling of the text boxes. I suggest wrapping "each field with their error span" into one div. Example below then when "First name" becomes invalid you can add the .validate class to the div which takes care of the error styling like the border color.
    .validate {
       input {
          borderColor: "red";
    <div id="some-identifier-for-first-name" class="validate">
        <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" placeholder="First Name">
        <span id="error-fname"></span>
    <div id="some-identifier-for-last-name">
        <input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" placeholder="Last Name">
        <span id="error-lname"></span>
    • I would challenge yourself to make a new function that accepts two arguments, the id of the field error div and an error message. That way you consolidate calling activating the error styling and messages.

    Overall great job 👍👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice work Blessing Peter. I'll leave some feedback below. Hope it helps.

    • The 2 background images are tricky. An easier solution I highly suggest is using multiple background images. Link here for more info

    To improve on your current background solution because they are position: relative they are part of the flow of elements and is possible that it makes your content wider than the viewport (browser screen). You can try position: fixed and play with positioning using left, right, top, and bottom.

    • The <font> tag is old and obsolete. Instead use <span> as a replacement. For this tag I would recommend the <small> tag.

    Keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice work Harold 👍 the site responds well. I have a few suggestions.

    Design feeback

    • The "Try it Free" and "Get Started For Free" button could use hover styles
    • The 3 middle sections could be centered on desktop layout. Add a max-width and margin: 0 auto to center it

    HTML feedback

    • Huddle logo - add a more descriptive alt text like "Huddle Logo"
    • For footer phone anchor tag, use tel: in the href tag. Example: <a href="tel:15431234567">+1-543-123-4567</a>
    • For footer email anchor tag, use mailto: in the href tag. Example: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    • Try the <input type="email"> for your input email address
    • I recommend making the footer social icons with anchor tags so it can utilize the tab key

    Keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Great job with the challenge Esteban 👍👍. You captured the testimonial card details really well.

    The only feedback I will provide is to organize your css classes to remove duplicating styles. For classes div.testimonial__grid1 through div.testimonial__grid4, they share a lot of common styles that make up the card.

    I'll leave a simple example on how to approach it below. You can change the names to your liking. I'm just naming them using the BEM way. More info on BEM if interested

    .testimonial-card {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        padding: 30px;
        border-radius: 10px;
        box-shadow: 10px 10px 110px -51px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
    .testimonial-card--grid1 { 
    // add specific styles that make grid1
    .testimonial-card--grid2 { 
    // add specific styles that make grid2
    <div class="testimonial-card testimonial-card--grid1">
    <div class="testimonial-card testimonial-card--grid2">

    Great work!! Keep on coding 👍

  • Rayane 40



    Hi, I have a question. When I finished the project, I realized that I forgot to use bg-mobile. Consequently, bg-desktop was used on mobile devices. Would that cause problems with loading or something?

    Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice job Rayane, 👍 the mobile and desktop layout looks great. The typography looks great

    To answer your question about using the wrong image version on mobile. Depending on the size of the image it could greatly affect the user experience who don't have the best cell network connection(slow 3G) or have a limited data plan for their phones. It creates a longer wait time for your site to load and could make a user impatient and move on. For most who have fast cell speeds and on desktop computers will most likely not feel it. Which is why we should aim to make our sites as optimal as we can and always consider users with slower speeds

    Design feedback

    • I tried tabbing through your links and button and noticed the outline: none was removed from your button. For accessibility purposes it's actually a crucial thing to not remove any styling that that can help identify a focus state of interactive controls. If you do remove it then it's highly advise to customize the styling so it at least fits with your design.
    • Look into the resizing the desktop illustration when the design switches to desktop layout. It creates a horizontal scrollbar for the viewport.
    • Hover styling for the social icons would be helpful.

    Keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice job job Harold, looks good and is responsive. 👍

    I noticed something is generating a horizontal scrollbar on your page. I think width: 100vw on your .banner-container is causing it.


    • You're missing some <li> tags for the footer social icons and also wrap the icons with an anchor tag.
    • Lighten the box-shadow color a bit so it's not so intense
    • For the footer phone number and email. Wrap them with an anchor tag and maybe add the prefix in the href to let the browser know the links are an email and phone number
    <a href="tel:+1-543-123-4567">
        <img />
    <a href="mailto:[email protected]">
        <img />
        [email protected]
    • Add a max-width to your desktop layout main container.

    On mobile I think the main container can use a little little bit more left and right padding so it's not too close to the viewport sides.

    Keep it up 👍👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hello again Felipe, amazing job on the challenge.👍👍 It functions and responds well. As usual feedback below.


    When I enabled some tablets, I tried tabbing through them and was unable to do so. Mainly due to the.table tablet--remove-icon and .tablet elements being divs. I would suggest using a button or anchor tag. By default they would have keyboard support for spacebar/enter keydown and tabbing.


    • The h1.Job__position could use an anchor tag with a hover state.
    • Minor changes like adding a font-weight to your tablets and maybe decrease font size for your Job__meta

    Great job 👍, can't wait to see your next solution

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hi there Bouhaouliane, You did a great job👍👍. It's responsive and were able to match the design pretty well.

    • I suggest adding focus state styles to your toggle and 3 card buttons. As I tab through I can't see where I'm tabbing through.

    • The top/bottom corners of the white cards that face the purple card are currently rounded. Remove the radius on just those 4 corners. border-top-left-radius: 0; as an example

    Happy coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Good work on completing the challenge ChrisPrzR 👍. I'll leave my feedback below.

    For the icon in the input field. Note that it's not possible to add an image to an input's pseudo selector (:before, :after). Background-image yes but you're using font-awesome and I recommend adding a pseudo selector on the parent container of your input. message-input. See below for font-awesome in pseudo selector

    .message-input:after {
       position: absolute;
       font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
       font-weight: 900; // Important otherwise it won't show
       content: "\f1d8";  // find unicode on font-awesome website
       // play with position


    • I believe I went with a really small font for the phone illustration. It's weird because too small is not legible but needed to match the design. Here's my solution if you'd like to compare.

    • Look into why there's a horizontal scrollbar. Actually for both .figure1 and .figure2, use position: fixed instead of absolute. They do look a bit squeezed

    • The heading and paragraph font size could be larger.

    Also check out your solution report to fix key things in your HTML markup. Keep it up 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Really nice work Kelvin 👍👍 especially with the animations. I love the animation on the intro section especially when resizing the browser

    Just a few observations. In the mobile menu when hovering over the text it blends in with the background. When the mobile menu is open. It's possible to scroll down and see the remaining page design.

    Just my opinion for the animations after the intro section, section.about-company. To have it only run once when scrolling down. If I scroll back up and back down the content should remain static after.

    Great job and keep on coding 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Really nice work Dusan 👍👍 It responds really well and I like the medium layout after the mobile layout. My only feedback is to add a max-width to your .main-container in the desktop layout so it doesn't expand in width too much.

    Keep on coding!!

  • @Diego-Mike


    Hi, this is the firts exercise i did in this website, i didn't do it as good as i wanted to, but, i tried my best !

    If someone can give me and advise o help me out with something, i would be happy for it !

    Arturo Simon 1,785



    It's a well attempt Diego, I'll provide some thoughts below.

    • I see a lot of duplicate styling to your .fundamental-n classes. I'll refer to them as a card from here. Before writing any css, look at the design and see if you notice similar patterns of styles first. You can then create a base class that share those common styles then create another class to differentiate it. Example below. At this point your .card is a component that can be re-used multiple times. I'm using BEM as a way of naming components. If interested more info here
    <div class="card card--purple">
            <img class="card__image" src="images/image-daniel.jpg" alt="Daniel">
    <div class="card card--gray">
            <img class="card__image" src="images/image-jonathan.jpg" alt="Jonathan">
    • For your CSS grid. I can't see a reason for the media query on your fundamental. But a few tips to help with the grid.

    Remove the min-height, grid-template-rows from your .fundamental. Also remove the align-items: center which should not squeeze the card's height and doesn't benefit because the cards do not need to be vertically centered.

    • To help with not calling the same values over and over again. I recommend looking to CSS custom variables. SCSS can be also useful for variables plus other things to making writing CSS easier, especially when writing out BEM.

    • I recommend adding a max-width using a px based value to your main container .fundamental. There's a point where the viewport can get really wide and could possibly skew the design. It highly depends on the design but in this case I think it's needed.

    My apologies for it being rather long. Keep it up. It's all about practice 👍👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Awesome job on this Conner 👍 Loving that page load animation. Cool way of actively checking user input and changing the error message when typing.

    For the table layout, I'm not sure if there should be spacing or not but maybe a little bottom padding for the .platforms container.

    Overall it's great!!

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice job Fawad, the error message effect is really fancy 👍

    Your form responds well but your image responds toooo well that it gets really small or large. I would either putting a max-width on your main container or to the parent container of your image. Actually your main container can benefit also as everything gets really stretched out on wider screens.

    The h1 text can better a bit more larger and the subscribe text doesn't have to be too bold.


    • It's great that you added your styles to a classes to activate. To improve on it, create an .form-errors class toyour form. Inside that class place your other styles that style the border and show the message. That way only one class actives the styling errors.

    • You can clean up your nested if statements with just one if else if statement.

        if ( input.value == '' ) { 
             // code
        } else if ( !validateEmail(input.value) ) {
            // code

    Keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Well done Guillermo and congrats on completing your first challenge.

    I would take a second look at the font-size and font-weight of your followers, likes, and photos, London and author name text.

    Also to spice up your HTML markup, add some HTML semantics. Look into utilizing, <article> for your card container and <small> for the smaller text.

    Keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hi Brian, great job here. It's cool that you got both normal and advanced modes working. It functions and responds well.

    The only thing I'll add is to allow the rules modal overlay to be clickable to close.

    Nice!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hi Rene, nice job on the new challenge. Your design respond well.

    I see that you're using the the invalid JS event, cool. I'll have to learn more about that but I can provide another solution to add to your arsenal. Attach a submit event listener to your form (example below). Then you can get the value from the email textbox to check if value exists and valid. To check if email is valid format look into regular expressions for email.

    const form = document.querySelector("name-of-form");
    function validateForm(event) {
     // code here
    form.addEventListener('submit', validateForm);

    I think your tablet layout can kick in sooner. There's a lot of white space surrounding the mobile layout that can be utilized. Also the dot image maybe looks out of place on tablet view

    For the podcast icons, because they're icons that someone would click to go somewhere (call to action). Surround each image with an anchor tag.

    Great job overall and hope it helps 👍👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice work on the challenge. The card looks well designed. Really good practice of using CSS custom properties to organize your colors, and fonts.

    I know those background images can be tricky. Your approach with the .ornaments container is totally fine. I'll leave here another method that might prove useful. Checkout multiple background images. more info here

    and just in case there's a shorthand for the overflow property

    // from this
    overflow-x: hidden;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    // to this
    overflow: hidden

    Keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Nice job Alexei, the card looks very similar to the original.

    Some feedback:

    • To help get a more clean/consistent naming pattern to your CSS components. This card challenge I think is perfect for. Look into BEM link here

    • I highly recommend using background-image for multiple images on the body. Example take from here for more info. It will be tricky but once you get the background-image setup. Focus on getting background-size and finally background-position

    #example1 {
      background-image: url(img_flwr.gif), url(paper.gif);
      background-position: right bottom, left top;
      background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat;
    • Another method instead of using <hr> for a border is to wrap the upper section of your card to a div and add a bottom border to it.

    • For your <section> container. They normally require a heading tag. Starting between h2 to h6.

    Good work and keep on coding!! 👍

  • Rayane 1,935



    Hello everyone ! 🙂

    Here is my version for this challenge, any feedback/remark is appreciated ! I guess I could have done a media query for tablet view to make the transition softer.

    Have a nice day ☀️

    Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hi Enayar, you did great job. You were able to capture the details really well. I do agree with you on a tablet view for the transition from mobile to desktop. I'll add some feedback.

    • Good use of using BEM. I would only suggest adding the --modifer to your class that overwrites the color. Example card__top-color blue_color to card__top-color card__top-color--blue. Though I do admit your method looks much cleaner for this situation.

    Just a note. Be aware of "specificity" when building out your selectors (example below of what I mean). Sometimes when they nest too deep in larger projects. It can be difficult to over override styles and manage. BEM is a way to help know which classes go along with each other which you already have a start on.

    body main .cards .card .card__description {  <-- these guys I'm referring to

    Great job, keep it up and keep on coding!! 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Really great job Rafet, mobille first and responds great, got the instagram gradient border effect working too. The detail in the cards look on point. I'll add some suggestions below.

    • you have a good structure to your HTML mark. To bring it to the next level look into html semantics if you haven't already. learn more here. It can give meaning to your containers. For this challenge look up main and article tags

    • The dark theme background does not take up the entire page because it's in the main container. Try the body for most background colors/images:

    body {
        background-color: var(--color-bg);
        min-height: 100vh;  // might not be needed for bg color but useful for background images for future reference

    Toggle button: Fully functional 👍. My advice when creating custom elements. Consider assistive technologies like screenreaders. Since this is fully custom look into:

    • aria attributes to help giving your control meaning and help out assistive tech
    • hover styles to help visually something
    • see if you can use the tab key on your keyboard to focus and activate with the enter key

    Overall again great job. Keep on coding!! 👍👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hey Felix, amazing job with this challenge. Your design responds really well. I looked through your HTML and CSS and it's solid. Good use of semantics and good practice of using BEM. It doesn't really matter but I would use <h2> instead of <h3> for your quote-user__username just because h2 is the first in line for article and h2 isn't being used anywhere.

    Great job and Happy coding 👍👍

    side note: page title missing from document

  • P
    ApplePieGiraffe 30,545



    Hello, everybody! 👋

    This was a fun, simple challenge which I enjoyed! I added a cool little (and surprisingly simple) 3d hover effect to the card component (thanks to Dev Ed, once again). 😆

    And for those tricky background SVGs? I ended up using a combination viewport width and height units and percentages to have the SVGs subtly change their position when the screen is resized. IDK if they match the design exactly but they look okay! 😂

    Feedback is welcome and appreciated, of course! 😊

    Happy coding! 😁

    Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hands down APG, It's great that you took the time to properly calc the size of those bg images without media queries. The effects are always the cherry on top.

    Awesome work 👍

  • Arturo Simon 1,785



    Hi Ignacio. You're not alone on the background images. The key I think is to setting the size first then position.

    So add both images as a background-image to your body. I recommend getting the background-size first using px units then to positioning. For the position % really makes it scale like crazy. Instead try first px, em or rem units.

    For the desktop keep using your media query to adjust size and then position.

    more info here on multiple background images

    body {
      background-image: url(./images/bg-pattern-top.svg), 
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      // Numbers are random but should be a good template
      background-size: 500px, 500px;                      
      background-position: top -200px left -100px, 
                           bottom -100px right -100px;

    Overall your profile design looks great.

    Keep on coding!! 👍👍
