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  • KBā€¢ 830



    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I faced issues with calculating the right values for the month and day output. Could you please check the code and let me know where I went wrong

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey KB, nice take on the challenge. The design looks good overall, however the age calculation looks wrong. Please check. There are a few more things that I would suggest:

    1. values can't be negative or 0 [suggestion: define min max boundaries for the values]
    2. I see you used input type number. Maybe try to remove those spinners for a nice touch.
    3. The date shouldn't be more than current date as we are talking about age calculator and well, how can you calculate age of someone born in future.
    4. When the errors pop up, the input element shifts up. I think its a flexbox mistake. maybe try aligning contents and justify content to flex-start[ I haven't checked your code so maybe you've used something else. But this is an issue]
    5. Additional, try to develop a logic where if the value for day month year is 1, then you show "1 month" and not "1 months".
    6. For mobile layout, try increasing gap between inputs and reduce the font-size
    7. Correct the spelling of Year
    8. Add the font specified in the file

    You can reach me out for more details or check out my solution for this challenge. Hope it helps āœŒšŸ»

  • Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    work on the eye icon on hover

    Marked as helpful

  • Nitin Kantā€¢ 20




    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey Nitin!!!

    The design looks nice for your first time, though there were some issues with your HTML structure.

    Connect with me @ban1ya and we'll have a chat āœŒ

    Marked as helpful

  • Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Did you also face the issue where button click was not fetching data so you had to use window.location.reload(true) ?

    Marked as helpful

  • Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey Devina, Your final project looks nice.... What do you think is not "good enough"?

  • Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey Haylie, good job on your first challenge... A few things I would like to tell you are -

    1. Changing the div with container class to a main, would resolve your accessibility issue. It occurs since all your containers are divs and technologies like screen readers require a more semantic approach in web pages. So, they definitely need a main section that can be focused... It will change nothing in your design. just remember to also change the style sheet accordingly.

    2. For Learn More buttons, you could try border-radius: 50px;

    Try these out, and tell me if it works... All the best šŸ‘ Keep coding āœŒ

    Marked as helpful

  • @IMVillarosa


    I have completed the challenge and managed to make it responsive using Flexbox. I personally think the HTML and CSS structure could be cleaner. So, any feedbacks, opinions, questions or reactions is very much encouraged and appreciated!

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    If you change the div having class stats-card to main, your accessibility issues should be resolved.

    Marked as helpful

  • leo_liloā€¢ 60



    Hello, this is my first ever project and any feedback are welcome ;)

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Check your deployment properly

    Marked as helpful

  • Tomā€¢ 115



    My first completed project. Really enjoyed applying some of the principles I have been learning! I would like feedback on:

    How to get the right color overlay for the image as I can't seem to fine-tune it to the same purple;

    When in mobile mode, I can't get rid of the margin of the bottom h3 element, despite using @media query of h2 in the form: .headings:last-child { margin: none; } This doesn't take the margin off it.

    Otherwise, thank you for looking and if you spot anything I didn't, I'm happy to receive feedback!

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    For color, you should use the following code: mix-blend-mode: multiply; on your #overlay element. Try this and tell me if it works...

    Marked as helpful

  • Saurabh Kumarā€¢ 10



    Q1. I am having problem with image overflow. How to avoid it? Q2. In my code I've used separate container for text content, which is block element and contains block elements. How to deal in this type of situation when image is float: right; and text container left? Q3. Is there any good solution to align image right and text-content left? Q4. Should i use separate container for text-content or not? Q5. I have faced so many problem with image overflow inside of the "div.main-card", How to keep image always inside the container?

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Bro I think you should check out my code for this challenge.. You'll certainly figure it out. You can also reach out to me on instagram @b4n1y4. Github repo for the challenge -

  • amineZoldyckā€¢ 35



    This was my first complete project from frontendmentor. I would like to thank the creator of the project and frontendmentor for all their efforts.

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    try using mix-blend-mode for a more saturated overlay... this one kind of looks washed out.....

    Marked as helpful

  • @AndreaRigchac


    I'm new in the world of programming, I began with this challengue and my doubt is because in the moment i put in my variable "bodi" grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr) and obviously specically in my variable "grid " grid-column: 3/5, well its was positioned correctly but I defined in other variable "body2" grid-column: 1/5; all was a disaster, becuase mine grid didn't function as i wanted. Finally i did this exercise and is similar but I think I was wrong a lot. I accept scolding but i know your advice will help me improve. PD: Sorry for my writing I speak spanish and i know that my english is a bit disastrous.

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey Andrea, this is not bad for a beginner..... Though there are a few things that could be improved.... I see that you have used a lot of divs...... it really helps in code review if you just documented as to what is the purpose of that div.... Try using semantic HTML... No one should expect a beginner to be perfect... You should check out others' markup and styling for knowledge... Here's mine -

    Keep coding āœŒ

  • Jon Smithā€¢ 10



    I feel like there has to be a better way to handle the font color on the buttons. Is there a way I could have handled it better?

    Is there a better way to handle the borders?

    Any general feedback?

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey @Jon-D-Smith... Your desktop layout looks good, but here are some things to improve there -

    1. Buttons look very thin-ish. I know you made this layout for the specified width only, but you should try to make it relative for all widths....
    2. The text in button fonts is default...

    In the mobile layout, the upper part of your first card gets hidden.... I saw your code and saw that it was set to 900px... however, for mobile layouts, I would suggest avoiding setting values to widths an heights except when needed... Because then, it does this very annoying thing of clipping your elements..... So, instead of setting container's width and height in mobile layout, just set a margin to that container.... This way, you can add as much content in the container as you want and it will always fit nicely!!! Tell me if you try these things and they work....

    You can also check out my code for this layout here -

    PS - I am not very pro at this and this was one of my first layouts so you might find absurd things here but everything I've given in the feedback is from experience....

    Keep coding āœŒ

  • Nebiyou Ersaboā€¢ 185



    Howdy there, this is my fifth challenge out here. I used the mobile first approach, and had a very hard time rearranging it to the desktop view. Also, I feel like my CSS code is a bit redundant and that I could have used significantly less code to achieve the same thing. Any feedbacks, suggestions, and shortcuts are very welcome! Thanks!

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey Nebiyou, your layout looks good... But there are a few things that I would like to point out -

    1. The background in the desktop layout is missing.
    2. The background color for the star rating container is missing.. Rest is all awesome! Keep Coding šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„
  • Jerome Ramosā€¢ 315



    i had a hardtime making things responsive. any tips to make things a bit easier?

    Ritesh_Guptaā€¢ 520



    Hey Jerome, I also made this layout yesterday... check it out!... Also, I can't see your source code, there is some problem with the github repo link... please see to it....
