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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am most proud of getting it as close as possible to the looking like the original design(in my opinion lol). What I would do differently is reduce my code. I feel like their are shorter and smarter ways to code what I made.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    One of the challenges I encountered with this challenge was trying to keep it responsive both ways I ended up having to go back and forth to sections I had already completed. I had to rewrite and rearrange my code and that took alot of my time.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I would like help with writing my html and css to be more responsive.

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    This one took me a while! A majority of my time spent was on the javascript so any advice on that part would be awesome. Thanks for taking the time out to read my code.

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    Towards the end of coding this project I could see I made it harder on myself by not planning ahead more. I feel like I could've used better class naming, reduce repeated code, and maybe structure my container better. I feel like maybe if I coded desktop first and planned ahead things would be less messy in my code.

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    This one took me a while. I feel like I overdid it with with my id's and classes and naming conventions as I even had some difficulty in rereading my own code at times. The part that took me the most time was writing the javascrtipt and using grid in the desktop version. I would've liked to fixed some more bugs with the dropdown menus but I'm happy with it. thanks for any feedback or comments! :)

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    I found the javascript the most difficult part of this challenge. I eventually found the solutions to all my js related problems through google, but what gave me trouble was not having my html coded a certain way so my js could easier interact with it. Let me know if I can improve in any certain areas.

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    I found the javascript part the most challneging only because I haven't been using it much lately as i've been focusing on just html and css but it was very rewarding finally getting the form validation working how I wanted it to work. I didn't try to make it responsive as I only focused on 375px and 1440px but I would appreciate advice on how I could setup my code to have my page be more responsive and cleaner looking when it grows. Also Any advice on my code would be much appreciated thank you! :) I forgot does anybody know how to have the email input form and the icon arrow always be next to each other?

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    Trying to get the hang of css grid. I tried making it responsive when it grows by using em in the padding. I prefer a less is more approach to coding a website so it's my goal to learn more about html and css so I can achieve that. Please any tips would help out alot.

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    It was challenging getting the images correctly stacked together. I deciced to use css instead of js for the effects on the card. Not too happy with the end result so any advice would be much appreciated.

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    First time using CSS Grid while actually trying to understand it and I really enjoyed using it. I can't wait to create more sites with it. I would appreciate any feedback on how I used grid.

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    I had a difficult time with positioning this one for some reason. Also I'd like to know if it would be possible for the background images to stay exactly where they are when the screen changes? Edit: I fixed the background-image issue by putting (background-position: right 50vw bottom 50vh, left 50vw top 50vh;)