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  • Soojeong• 220



    Edited: I got rid of absolute positioning and switched it out for flexbox and also fixed the issue I had with the attribution. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

    I used Flexbox for the main QR Code card and absolute positioning to center it vertically and horizontally. I was a bit confused at first because the top percentage from the absolute positioning wasn't working. After Googling a bit, I found out that it could've been because I didn't initially specify the height of the parent container. So I just gave the height of 100vh to the body. I'm wondering if this is the right way to center an element horizontally and vertically. Please let me know if I did anything wrong or if there is a better way to do this.

    Additionally, I couldn't figure out what to do with the attribution class and its content. Since I use absolute positioning for the main QR code part, the attribution part was automatically stuck to the top of the page. I was wondering if there is a way to position this somewhere else like right underneath the QR code card.

    Claude• 290



    Nice solution.. For centering. I think it will depend on your purpose.

    And for your concern on why the attribution is stack at the top it is because you use position: absolute on your qrcode-card class. since the qrcode-card class is out of the document flow so the footer/attribution is stack at the top. If you want to fix it you can wrap the qrcode-card in some div tag or a landmark so it can also solve the html acessibility issue.

    Ohhh.... BTW Add a position: relative on your wrapper

    though you can also use flexbox on the wrapper to center things inside it without using any absolute

    Marked as helpful
