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  • funupulu 120



    First time building an accordion, as it were. In the app.js file, you'll notice I wrote many variables to individually target each question and answer element. I wrote the same logic twice because I don't know how to loop through each target without getting errors. Thanks always for any feedback. Current following this code-along to troubleshoot and debug.

    Other notes:

    I don't know how to center the <hr> tag. I don't understand what it is that enables margin and padding to apply or why it doesn't.

    chief 220



    hi @funupulu. great start you have here. I've looked through your code and what you do is to set a class on the elements that are the same(you can create a class for all arrows, answers and questions). then you can getElementsByClassname for each class and use a forEach to loop through each element for each class. also you can use a ".classlist.toggle" to add and remove the styles. hope this helps!

    Marked as helpful
