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  • Muhammad Shajjar• 1,100



    Hello, everyone! 👋 Here goes my solution to this challenge, always try to make it better.

    how to make it compatible for other browsers too especially safari except "google chrome" because I used that one.

    I would love to have a look at your approach too. Feedback on how to make solutions simpler, best practices, or anything that would be helpful for me or anyone would be highly appreciated...


    Dawid Kuczer• 110




    great solution Mate, really good job with typography and positioning. I was occupied with some duties but I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects.

    Hope You're well, keep up the good work

  • Muhammad Shajjar• 1,100



    I tried my best to get as close to the design, but the problem I faced is that how I know how much padding, margin height width is required, means how to get the pixel-perfect result. Your suggestion and quick feedback on my work is highly appreciated. Thanks!

    Dawid Kuczer• 110



    Hey man, sorry to have kept You waiting.

    Your solution looks awesome, I took a look at your code and couldn't spot any things I would change.

    Keep up the great work.

  • Dawid Kuczer• 110



    Oops! looks like I forgot about background pattern but honestly it was barely visible when I looked at the design.jpg file on my screen and it must have just blended into the background after a while for me.

    Anyway - I'm going to leave it like that.

  • Shahin NJ• 1,190



    In the mobile design I've wrapped my images in a <figure> tag and applied a background-color to the tag. The reason is the use of the "mix-blend-mode: multiply" in CSS to the <img> tag to obtain the overlay effect, since the <img> tag will use the parent's container background-color to achieve this effect.

    However, you'll notice that the <figure> height is much taller than the actual image, and I get the horizontal pink/purple line.

    How to I overcome this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Dawid Kuczer• 110



    Hello, your solution looks great. I'm not really in the position to give feedback as I'm still learning a lot of basics but the only thing that I would change would be:

    • Give the picture a little bit less contrast so that it looks like an instagram filter
    • Use CSS text-transform: uppercase to make 'companies', 'templates', 'queries' be displayed in caps.

    Great work, keep up the good work :)

    Marked as helpful
