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  • David Ouma 270



    retry launching again by renaming your file and selecting the location of your HTML file(root file) that should work. I had a similar problem when I was starting to use Vercel

  • David Ouma 270



    I like the use of sass in your code, makes it very DRY and precise, I personally didn't find any errors just wanted to say It been a while since I came a cross this type of work. keep up the good work.I have really learnt a lot from your code. codificación feliz

  • Roc Tanweer 2,500



    If you could take some time to review this site and its code, I would love to hear your feedback which will help me GROW! Thank You!

    David Ouma 270



    Hello, I took a look at your code and I must say your site is very responsive for both mobile and desktop display, I found your code to be very DRY and simple.I liked your use of SAAS and BEM naming conventions in the project. maybe aside from the actual design measurements everything else was ok. kudos and keep up the good work. Happy coding :-)

    you can upvote a comment if you find it helpful

  • David Ouma 270



    Hello Karim, thank you for your submission I really think you did a good job on the project . I can see your project is very responsive for both Mobile and desktop display. I just have a few comments on your code.

    1. I noticed you didn't use a div eg .container to wrap your code after the body.

    2. You didn't use header nav or footer to group your markup. remember you can create a website using HTML alone but you can't create a website without it. So your markup needs to be understood by the search engines.

    3. You did use button instead of button:submit for your buttons.

    4. You didn't add any border-radius for your buttons.

    5. You didn't use the suggested font-size, font-family and font-weights that came with the file.

    6. Try learning BEM naming convention for naming divs in your HTML.

    In general I think you really tried your best. keep being consistent and you'll see the results. Keep up the good work. Happy coding. you can upvote a comment if you find it helpful

  • David Ouma 270



    Hi, Raj. I've taken a look at your code and I found your project very responsive in both mobile and desktop. I just have a few suggestions.

    1.Make use of BEM naming convention. it is very easy to learn and use. Because it will make working on your CSS very easy and you're going to need it when you work with JS.

    2.Avoid using button for clickable buttons but instead use button:submit.

    Thank you for your submission and keep up the good work. Happy coding.

  • Kristýna 40



    Hi, I started learning HTML and CSS 3 weeks ago and I know that my solution is not perfect :-( I hope my next solutions will be better :-). If someone have any advice for improvement of my solution, I will appreciate it. Thank you.

    David Ouma 270



    Hi, I've taken a look at your code and I Just have a few comments and suggestions.

    1. Your code HTML code is really impressive for a 3 week old beginner.
    2. I want you to know there are many ways of solving the same problem don't get scared of sophisticated code many are just sphagetti code.

    For suggestions i suggest the following:

    1. Give a class to the div immediately after the body you can give it any class name you want but .wrapper or .container are used universally.
    2. As a beginner I suggest you learn BEM naming conventions as early as you can. because 1) it will make working on your CSS much easier and 2) it's gonna be helpful when you start working with Javascript. It is really easy to muster.
    3. When resting default values like margin, box-sizing and padding it is safe to include ::before and ::after.
    4. I know you're still new in the game but after you learn and muster Flexbox and Grid things will start getting much easier. I wish you good luck in your journey and have fun. Happy coding. you can upvote this comment if you found it helpful.
  • @Enol-Igareta


    Good morning. I did this project using grid and flexbox. Any advice about my code will be very useful to continue improving, I would be very grateful if you could guide me or tell me any error you see in my code. Thank you very much for your time

    David Ouma 270



    Hello, I've gone through your code and I've found it very well organised, responsive, clean and DRY. I've also learnt a lot from it. I did not really find any particular errors in your code. Keep it up. Happy coding.

  • David Ouma 270



    Yes try using grid it will make your work much easier and the site will be responsive. Anyway nice job. keep up the good work. Happy coding :-)

  • David Ouma 270



    Hi, I checked your project and I have to mention it was well executed and very responsive . I really really learnt a lot from it. however I just have two issues with your code, first I noticed you didn't use the button tag for your "register" button you instead used a link tag, please check that. Secondly your stylesheet was a bit squeezed and jumbled up I had trouble following it up with your mark up. I suggest styling your elements in order of your html. Anyway thank you for your solution and keep up the good work. Happy coding!!

  • @KristianDunne


    I didn't download the Figma files for this one again so the dimensions of the elements are not perfect, but I am just working on improving my use of Flexbox.

    David Ouma 270



    Hi Kristian, your code is clean and precise. the responsiveness is also good I just have two issues I noticed with your code. First I noticed you didn't use any heading and paragraph tags and secondly there is an hidden overflow on the content-box making the content incomplete on devices with smaller screens. Anyways keep up the good work. happy coding!!
