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All comments

  • Onur Yurtsever• 190



    Is there an another way to apply a margin value that does work no matter how many rate boxes are inserted. I selected the second and third rate box to apply a margin-left value (see below) to have this "stair" effect.

    .rate-box:nth-child(2) { margin-left: 40px; } .rate-box:nth-child(3) { margin-left: 80px; }

    thanks in advance.

    Dina• 460



    Hi Onur,

    Nice work!

    Combining the :not() and :first-of-type pseudo-classes should do the trick. For example: .rate-box:not(:first-of-type) should target every .rate-box EXCEPT the first one.

    Happy coding :)

  • Dina• 460



    Hey Edwin,

    Nice work! The transition from light to dark mode literally made me say, "Oooh!"

    My only piece of feedback would be to write your HTML with screenreaders in mind, rather than styling. E.g. use your <h1>–<h6>'s to indicate headings in the content, and use other classes or spans for styling callout information like the 'big numbers'.

    Good stuff, keep it up :)

  • Victor• 110



    Hi! This is my 2nd challenge as of now and I hope you'd take a look at it to fix some issues or anything. Feedbacks will be much appreciated! Thank you.

    Dina• 460



    Hey Victor

    Looks great! Nice work changing the layout based on the screen size.

    Next time, don't be afraid to add as many media queries as the page needs. For example, you could add a second query here to cater to screens between 801-1210px wide. Using percentages in your layouts could also help to cater better to in-between screen widths.

    Keep it up!

  • Dina• 460



    Hey Sophie

    Looks great, especially for a first project! Love that you've given all your elements understandable class names, and that you're using a lot of %s for positioning - means you're on your way to responsive code!

    For your next project try playing with another way to position your elements, e.g. Flexbox or CSS grid. Media queries will also take your code to another level -

    Good luck!
