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  • Cường 845



    the sever is temporary down,too,it should be working in couple of days

  • Cường 845



    cái giao diện tìm kiếm hơi khó xài á, theo góc độ người dùng thì mình nghĩ là để cho nó lọc theo từng chữ cái hợp lí hơn :>

    Marked as helpful

  • Natsuki 50



    I was not able to get the email submit button to display the hover states. Also, I'm not sure how to do the mobile version. I would very appreciate any comments to help me out. Thank you :)

    Cường 845



    @media screen and (max-width:375px){ // your mobile responsive style }

    and btw your submit button works fine

  • @pqhung3007


    Hello Frontend Mentor community 👋

    This is the first time I really get my hands dirty with Redux Toolkit, a great global state management tool and there's nothing better than applying it to a simple, conventional to-do app. Apart from the challenge's requirements, I add the edit functionality and make a toast notification pops up every time a to-do is added or updated using the react-toastify package. I also use localStorage to save to-dos so that they don't disappear when we reload the page.

    If you're satisfied with my product and my code, feel free to save it for future reference. On top of that, I also welcome constructive feedback or even critics so we can better improve. 💪

    Happy coding everyone! 💻

    CRUD Todo App with Redux Toolkit and Tailwind CSS



    Cường 845



    i think there's little problem with the total task, it keep decreasing everytime i click the task even it's unfinished

  • @faruking


    I got lost in the logic most times and had to debug a lot. What is the best practice when there are a lot of complicated logic going on? like do you create separate scripts... which was what I settled for, or do you use maybe classes or something?

    Cường 845



    Creative gameplay. But sometime i literally unable to rearrange moves to win. It said invalid move, i think its a bug, or maybe a feature,lol

  • Cường 845



    There is bug in your game, you should check it out, in picking phase, and you shouldn't use link tag,the game should re-render in same page, not foward to new page, replace with div with on click event instead.

    In short, i think your solution haven't finished yet, just about 80%.

  • @Ismat27


    Reviews and assessment will be highly appreciated

    I need recommendations on how to improve the UI, particularly to make the background as the one in the design after the user has played. Also i will appreciate help on designing the options

    Thank you for your time

    Cường 845



    About your question, i would recommend creating a new empty div and creating its pseudo class element and then set back ground color to white, set opacity for each background element. I don't know if its a good solution but i currently apply that to my solution and it worked well

    There are 2 options to style the (rock,paper,scissor) choices background, first create round div element and then set big border size with specific color or create 2 round div lies on each other.

    Hope that help!

  • Cường 845



    i think there's some bug, when i try to play second times, the result won't display and i can't play again unless i reload the page

  • Cường 845



    Few months ago ? you must be joking :) ,this is a very good start its good to know new library from you, i've been stuck in drag and drop part for days, thanks, keep it up

    Marked as helpful

  • @cvargas31


    This is my solution, i will said im 85% done with the challenge im only missing the logic in how change the price of the current value of my slider, because once you click in the toggler it will change to the annualy fare but with the initial value of 8$

    Cường 845



    Wow, what a clean code, how do you make the range input's progress bar like that, and the automatic adjust the range input, mine is so glitchy, can you check-out my code and give me some advice :)

  • @Renato-Lima-Neves


    Hello coder! This is my project here on frontend mentor, where i used Bootstrap 5 and DOM. I had tons of fun while making it, but i have some issues with the button and the image. I don't know how to make them responsive, i tried using flexbox but still didn't worked. What should i do to fix these issues? Thanks for stopping by and happy coding!

    Cường 845




    About your issue, have you tried to apply 'col' class to button tag or using media query ?

  • Cường 845



    i would like to know what is the purpose of the & operator in css file?? thank you

  • Cường 845



    i think you deloy wrong folder beacuse i cant see your preview site

  • Cường 845



    Hi friend, i have a question Why does this line mean? const { id, type, desc, src } = product; why don't you use, product.type,product.decs,..etc? i'm learnning react from your code, thank you for your time

  • Cường 845



    look good for a beginner, good job

  • Bonrey 1,130



    Hello there! This is my first React challenge, and that's why I picked an easy page. Anyway, it was quite tough to wrap my head around all these components and file structuring in React at first, but I hope I did it the right way. 😅

    If anyone has any suggestions on how I could improve this project, let me know! I'm open to any feedback 😃

    In particular, I'd love to know if I should avoid using so many media queries with React as I'm doing it now.

    Cường 845



    Hi, I just want to know how did you learn React, i'm struggling with it :))

    I was looking for demo react project and luckily,i found yours. Keep doing more React project, i'm waiting more from you <3

  • Nikola 20



    My code is still terrible, but I continue learning. Also I have no clue how to make social icons to change colors. That is missing in my project.

    If you have some suggestions and/or advice, please do not hesitate to replay me.. :))

    Thanks in advance!

    Cường 845



    Hi Nikola, it's me again :))

    For the icon things, i would suggest using this site to import some icons:, this site has various kind of icon and really easy to use, you can customize the icon color from css file here is how you use it:

    Also, you should check the report above, it might helpful sometime

    Your code look pretty good, keep it up, Happy coding !!

  • Nikola 20



    Hello Frontend Mentor team,

    I'm graduated engineer of IT from 2016. but I never try web developing by myself before. This is one of my first projects to test my skills. If you have any suggestions/recommendation where I need to pay more attention, or on what to focus in future (if it is possible to recognize right now), please give me feedback. After few successfully completed challenges in html+css, I will continue to upgrade my skills on javascript, than other languages.

    Thanks in advance, Best regards, Nikola Sokolovac

    Cường 845



    Greeting Nikola, In my opinion, these are things that you should take into consideration:

    1. Instead of using p1,p2,p3...,you could use Descendant Selector for example: div p { } to style all the p tag inside div or .class p {} to style p inside that class. You can read more here :

    2. I'm not quite understand what purpose of this line div style="display: flex;", maybe you want it to display inline, you could set a class name for that div and then use Descendant Selector, example: .class p { display : inline } instead

    3. I see that there's many p tags have same attributes, instead of writing for each tag, just write for one p tag, and it will apply all the p tag in the page, this basic technique can use for all tag in html file, you can read more about it here:

    4. Instead of ".button" class, button tag might be a better option you can check out more tags here :, similarly .header -> header tag

    5. You should be aware when using inline styling because according to Cascading Order, the inline style takes the highest priority, which mean it's useless if you want to change some attributes in external stylesheet for example in your code :div class="whyUs" style="margin-bottom: 30px;> if you want to change margin-bottom : 100px in .css file, it will not be applied you can read more about Casading Order here : or example here :

    6. Font-size and font-family should in body tag, if there's just 1 font so you don't need to rewrite multiple times

    That's all, these are just my recommendation to optimize some part of your code, you didn't do anything wrong, these advice are based on my experience, i'm not judging anything,okay :))

    In general, if this is your very first project, you are doing extremely great, you even know responsive design, better than me back then :)), good job

    Hope this help, Happy coding !

  • OanaSW 30



    What can I do to have the best solution with a the most simple code?

    Cường 845



    Hi, Oana

    I wonder why you use table tag?

  • Cường 845



    I think it's ok, which part makes you unsatisfied ?

  • Cường 845



    wow, creative work, good job man !

  • Cường 845



    Hi, i think you've already done that by using "required" in <input> element,so what exactly you want to do with the validate part?

    You can use min, max, maxlength,minlength for length validation.

    By the way, good work, your solution looks really good, man

  • @wpittman06


    Followed along with a video by Coder Coder and used this video to gauge how much HTML and CSS I knew and understood. I liked her breakdown of the project and understood her rationale of the project. I wanted to submit this so I can look and see how other coders saw this project and understand their thought process.

    Cường 845



    Hi sir, i couldn't see your code anywhere, did i go to the wrong folder, or you put it somewhere else?

    I think that's the reason why the vercel doesn't display correctly

  • @kofinartey


    Hi everyone. This is my first published project since I begun learning to code. I'd appreciate it if anyone goes through my solution and suggest areas I could improve upon. Super happy to learn from y'all.

    Cường 845



    i like the way you schedule and organize your code
