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    IP Address Tracker with ReactJS & TailwindCSS

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    This solution is a buggy. When I search for new IP address or domain. The map marker is updated but the map center is not updated. I've been trying to fix it with useEffect but no luck. Anyone with possible solutions?

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    This challenge was complete using ReactJS and TailwindCSS. I got stuck for some time on the mobile navigation but made it through. Please check out my work and any comments are greatly appreciated.

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    In this challenge, I upped the game. I used React and TailwindCSS to complete the challenge. The responsiveness is a bit sloppy. Please feel free to review my code and would love to hear about your comments.

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    In this challenge, I went on a buffet and ate a lot of spaghetti ala JS. Anyone is free to review my code. I would love to receive some refactoring tips.

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    This challenge has tested my knowledge of grids but I made it through. The icon was also a challenge. I used position: absolute on it but I bet there is a better solution for it.

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    In this challenge, I used Grid layout to achieve the card positioning. It was easy than I initially thought but it was fun playing with grid templates.

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    Hello guys. In this challenge, coding the share links was the hardest. At first, I tried using only one div for the links but I dont know how to make it work in mobile and in desktop. Instead I used two divs for mobile and desktop. I also recorded a youtube video of me coding the challenge so if you are interested please give it a check. The link is in my solution.

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    In this challenge:

    • Used grid layout
    • Lots of position: absolute
    • Used some animations
    • I forgot how to use JavaScript.

    I did face some difficulties like:

    • I used max-height: 0 to hide the answers div but for some reason when adding padding to the div still shows when setting the div height to 0.
  • Submitted

    For this challenge, I used grid layout this time. Had some troubles but in the end finished it in styleeeeee. Thanks to this challenge I think I understood Grids a lil better.

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    I am here again to drop another solution for today's challenge. Today I opted to use display: grid for the columns. I also implemented transitions to buttons in hover states to allow users click the button in style.

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    Hello guys, it ya boi back at it again with another challenge done for today. In this challenge, I thought of calling our boi GridLayout but I then realized that we are not friends yet. Instead, I called my best homie Flexbox to help me complete this challenge. We did it and I am quite proud of my solution.

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    I doing this challenge, I encountered two bugs.

    • When setting the pattern background to background-size: cover;, the image get zoomed to much. Then the image does not stretch when zooming in n out the browser when I used background-size: fit;
    • In the subscription details, the box overflows its parent box when I add padding to it. I might be bad in explaining things but please check my work and let me know what I could do better.
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    I manage to finish it in a few hours. I wanted to animate the image overlay when the mouse is leaving the image. How can I do that? Also, I tried to adhere to naming conventions in my CSS. Please check that also and let me know how did I do.

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    I saw other solutions using display grid how my solution used only display flex and realized that I can also do it with grid with fewer lines of code. Am I relying on display flex too much? Should I start learning grids now?

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    In my div container, I have set its dimensions to 100vw and 100vh respectively. I expected the container to fit the view port. However, there still are scrollbars. Why is that?