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  • @fmunives


    Hi Jen,

    You had a great job and your styles are very ordered. You're using BEM, that's a good methodologie to work.

    The unique recomendation when you declared transition: all .3s; and later you give the &:hover { border: 1px solid $color-file-icon; }

    For performance it's better to be more specific with the value because all applies for all properties and you just need to apply border property.

    You can check your code in 38 line

  • @fmunives


    Hi David,

    I saw your solution, it looks nice in desktop and mobile. However, I couldn't see any margin-bottom outside each card in mobile view. I think you forgot it. No problem, it could be happen sometimes.

    Look at, in this case use flex is correct but I believe it's better to apply css grid because you can manage better the spacing between cards (using gap) and the width and height. I recommend you can check css grid and if you want an example, see my solution:

    Preview: Code:

  • Magda Kokot 1,425



    Hello! This challenge was a perfect escape from a quite exhausting JS course I've been taking at the moment. Nothing satisfies as much as seeing raw text becoming something pretty (it was a very long process though). I made a huge mistake trying to write a script changing images depending on document width, which appeared to be unnecessary, cause I could easily achieve it in HTML and CSS :D.

    Thank you Matt Studdert for this amazing website and challenges. I can't believe how much progress I made in just in 2 months thanks to this website!

    Anyway, there's still loads to learn, so I'm really grateful for any feedback :)



    Hi Magda,

    Your site looks like pretty nice!. I like too much the colors, typography, images and your responsive web design.

    I would like to recommend that you can refactor your code to somebody can understand easily. I saw too much breakpoints and these are repeated too many times and them need an order from the minimum breakpoint to maximum. Besides, I guess you are repeating a lot of css styles and them could be reused. I think you can use atomic css to solve many similar pages and components.

    That's all (:
