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  • Submitted

    Audiophile Store with React, Next.js, Typescript, & Styled Components

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hi Devs 😎!

    I built this project a couple of months ago and I had a lot of fun coding it. I picked up many awesome React libraries and got acquainted with Typescript.

    This project also got me my present job at a Web3 Startup in Europe, where I work remotely as one of the core frontend developers. 😀

  • Submitted

    Landing Page using React & Styled Components

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    Hi Devs! 😎

    This is my first react UI project. I took up this challenge to get used to working with props, hooks, and building reusable components. I was a lot of fun!

    Kindly check my UI implementation and code base! Thanks 👌

  • Submitted

    Hi Devs 🐱‍👓!

    This is a project I worked on to practice react and react routing. It was fun to build because I had the opportunity to experience how to build reusable and scalable web components like a professional despite the challenging design. It was a good learning experience!

    I am currently learning TypeScript and Next JS to build large-scale production-ready applications.

    Kindly go through my solution.

    I need help with the following: 1.) Accessibility 2.) Folder structure 3.) Check my styled components code 4.) Check the way I pass props 5.) Is my commenting technique OK? 6.) Test the contact form!

    Thanks so much! 😎❤👌

  • Submitted

    Hi Devs! 👊

    This is my first ever react application. I just started learning React 2 weeks ago and I must say, it has been fun 👌😎,kind! Thanks to my ES6 knowledge, the learning process was kinda fast.

    In this Todo App challenge, I focused more on hooks for maintaining the state of the application and conditional rendering. It was not easy!

    Note: The library I used to implement the drag and drop functionality really messed with the accessibility and markup performance. (React Beautiful DND Library)!!!

    Kindly vet the way I use hooks and create components!

    Thanks for your feedbacks! ❤❤

  • Submitted

    Hi Devs! 😎

    It has been a while since I published a new challenge. I have been learning JavaScript full-time and I just completed an internship program (I was the frontend team-lead 😎).

    This challenge was very fun to execute. The challenge helped me master how to effectively consume API.

    Kindly explore my solution and leave a feedback!

  • Submitted

    This challenge was very interesting and educative. I had the opportunity to learn some very cool stuff and unlearn some bad practices.

    I practiced the following JavaScript concepts:

    1. Event Delegation
    2. Attribute Change
    3. Media Query using JS
    4. Intersection Observer API
    5. JS Animation
    6. Event Propagation

    Kindly check my implementation and suggest better approaches, if any!

  • Submitted

    I intentionally focused on only the JavaScript part because I wanted to practice some cool stuffs I learnt over the weekend.

    Please check my JavaScript code!

  • Submitted

    Hey Devs!😎

    This is my first JavaScript challenge and I had so much fun tackling this challenge.

    Kindly explore my JavaScript code and my overall implementation... what do you think?

  • Submitted

    Hi Devs! 😎

    It has been a while since I took up a challenge. I have been learning JavaScript and Git!

    This is a simple challenge I completed to get back on track.

    Please, let me know what you think!

  • Submitted

    This challenge looked very simple before I attempted it. I laughed in my "evil villain" 😈 voice when I saw the "intermediate" tag.

    I thought it was a mistake!

    I was wrong! 😂

    Building the illustration app alone tested my CSS skills. It was hard, in a fun way!

    Please rate my implementation and suggest how I can improve!

  • Submitted

    Hi Devs!

    I intentionally used CSS directly because I learnt how to use CSS variables and I wanted to practice it.

    Please give me feedback on the following:

    1.) My implementation, does it look professional and can you rate it over 10? 2.) I made use of roles in my HTML for accessibility. Kindly give me feedback on how to improve my accessibility game. 3.) Review my responsiveness 4.) Check my CSS media queries.


  • Submitted

    Please check the responsiveness and my code base.

    What am I doing wrong?

    And does this look like a professional work? Kindly rate my implementation over 10.


  • Submitted

    Please check out my SCSS code. I just started learning SCSS yesterday and this is my first project using it.

    Please check if the code is clean and give my pointers on how to write better codes.