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All comments

  • Felipe• 130



    Hi Apurva congratulations on finishing the challenge.

    I think that the font-family and font-size were not the most appropriate to resemble the final result I see the background cannot be seen and therefore the card component cannot be identified And I saw in the deploy that the box-shadow could not be applied. This is because the minimum amount of parameters is 3. These are offset-x | offset-y | colour. In your case you have 2. You can see more about this here

    I hope this helps

  • Felipe• 130



    Hola Diego, cómo estás? Felicitaciones por terminar este challenge!

    Vi que te faltó la línea divisoria de los precios con la parte del creador, por lo que pude ver en el deploy lo quisiste hacer con un div. Esto podrías ahorrártelo y colocar un border-top en el footer que contiene tu nombre y foto. También creería que para que se parezca más al resultado deseado podrías aumentar el font-weight de Equilibrium y que le des un espacio un poquito más grande entre tu foto y tu nombre.

    Espero que sea de ayuda, abrazo!

  • Felipe• 130



    Hi Yong Jin congratulations on finishing the challenge.

    By adding text-transform: uppercase you can make p-elements like companies, templates and queries capitalize as desired in the example I also think that the font-family and text colors were not the most appropriate to resemble the final result

    I hope this helps

    Marked as helpful

  • Hazel Black• 240



    The most difficult things for me was navigating GitHub pages and centering the div. I'm unsure of the formatting of my code. Hoping to get some insights on how to make it cleaner.

    Felipe• 130



    Hi Hazel Congratulations congratulations on finishing the challenge. Adding to Grace comments, you are missing units in the box-shadow for it to work

    I hope this helps

    Marked as helpful
