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    Another project completed, Found a few things testing me as i must of redone this project a couple of times, as I was not happy with my syntax in the html and still finding the key methods of fluid responsive design. Any input on the matter will be amazing really!! It well help me develop and keep me pushing for perfection.

    Thank you for all of you legendary people who have commented on my previous finished projects. I appreciate your assist in my future. āœŒ

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    Hello world. šŸ’»

    I've tried to implement grid for layout and flexbox for alignment to help 

    develop my learning and to try new ideas. Also added some animation to give some extra effect. Please give me some feedback. It helps me progress. šŸ™‚

  • Submitted

    Hello coders/ programmers,

    I have completed another project. I have been struggling with the responsiveness aspect of the projects and something I'm trying to resolve. Any input on the matter would be amazing. I am trying my best and even though it gets frustrating I recall the first few weeks of learning web development and I was over whelmed by the amount to learn, but to see how far I have come shows that I am heading in the right direction. šŸ™‚

  • Submitted

    Hello fellow coders,

    I am trying to make as many projects as I can to apply what I'm learning. On this particular project I wanted to try the grid layout to test my knowledge and as the previous projects were accomplished with flex-box. I had to admit, the SVG background did give me some agro. I was trying to make close to a perfect replica.

    Please don't hesitate to message me if you have any advice if some of the code could be perfected. I'm trying my best and want to succeed in this career.

    Thank you in advance for checking out my project!!! šŸ˜ŠšŸ™‚

  • Submitted

    Hi fellow coders šŸ’» I have just submitted another challenge. Feel like applying the teachings of courses to projects is the best way for me to learn and test my skills. Please feel free to mention any issues and how I could code better or a rating of how my code is would be great. Thanks in advance people.


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    Hello fellow coders, Just completed another project. Love this site as it gives me hands on experience with the code as I'm sure we have all been on an online course and feel like we have learnt so much till it comes to building a site yourself and end up stuck. Please feel free to comment on how my code looks and anything that would be a better practice for me as I'm willing to learn and giving it 110%

    Thank you in advance.

  • Submitted

    Hi fellow coders, I am pretty new to the coding game and would very much appreciate any advise, constructive criticism on my code. This is my 1st project on Frontend Mentor. I have been on a few Udemy courses as well. Thank you in advance for your responses.